getProfileFromUserId method

Future<Profile> getProfileFromUserId(
  1. String userId, {
  2. bool cache = true,
  3. bool getFromRooms = true,

Get the combined profile information for this user. If getFromRooms is true then the profile will first be searched from the room memberships. This is unstable if the given user makes use of different displaynames and avatars per room, which is common for some bots and bridges. If cache is true then the profile get cached for this session. Please note that then the profile may become outdated if the user changes the displayname or avatar in this session.


Future<Profile> getProfileFromUserId(String userId,
    {bool cache = true, bool getFromRooms = true}) async {
  var profile =
      getFromRooms ? _profileRoomsCache[userId] : _profileServerCache[userId];
  if (cache && profile != null) {
    return Profile(
      userId: userId,
      displayName: profile.displayname,
      avatarUrl: profile.avatarUrl,

  if (getFromRooms) {
    final room = rooms.firstWhereOrNull((Room room) =>
        room.getParticipants().indexWhere((User user) => == userId) !=
    if (room != null) {
      final user =
          room.getParticipants().firstWhere((User user) => == userId);
      final profileFromRooms = Profile(
        userId: userId,
        displayName: user.displayName,
        avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl,
      _profileRoomsCache[userId] = ProfileInformation(
        avatarUrl: profileFromRooms.avatarUrl,
        displayname: profileFromRooms.displayName,
      return profileFromRooms;
  profile = await getUserProfile(userId);
  if (cache || _profileServerCache.containsKey(userId)) {
    _profileServerCache[userId] = profile;
  return Profile(
    userId: userId,
    displayName: profile.displayname,
    avatarUrl: profile.avatarUrl,