markAsRead method

Future<void> markAsRead(
  1. BaseMessageContext context

Sends mark as read to this channel. This method has to be called in MessageCollectionHandler.onMessagesAdded or NotificationCollectionHandler.onMessagesAdded. @since 4.2.0


Future<void> markAsRead(BaseMessageContext context) async {

  // 1. hasNext == false
  if (hasNext == false) {
    // 2. No filters
    if (params.messageType == MessageTypeFilter.all &&
        params.customTypes == null &&
        params.senderIds == null &&
        params.showSubChannelMessagesOnly == false) {
      // 3. Check collectionEventSource
      if (context.collectionEventSource.isFromEvent ||
          context.collectionEventSource ==
              CollectionEventSource.messageInitialize ||
          context.collectionEventSource ==
              CollectionEventSource.messageFill) {
        if (baseChannel is GroupChannel) {
          (baseChannel as GroupChannel).markAsRead();
        } else if (baseChannel is FeedChannel) {
          (baseChannel as FeedChannel).markAsRead();