importDatabase function
- Map srcData,
- DatabaseFactory dstFactory,
- String dstPath, {
- SembastCodec? codec,
- List<
String> ? storeNames,
Import the exported data (using exportDatabase) into a new database
An optional storeNames
can specify the list of stores to import. If null
All stores are exported.
If a codec was used, you must specify the same codec for import.
Future<Database> importDatabase(
Map srcData, DatabaseFactory dstFactory, String dstPath,
{SembastCodec? codec, List<String>? storeNames}) async {
await dstFactory.deleteDatabase(dstPath);
// check signature
final version = srcData[_dbVersion] as int?;
final db = await dstFactory.openDatabase(dstPath,
version: version, mode: DatabaseMode.empty, codec: codec);
var sembastDatabase = db as SembastDatabase;
await db.transaction((txn) async {
final storesExport =
(srcData[_stores] as Iterable?)?.toList(growable: false).cast<Map>();
if (storesExport != null) {
for (var storeExport in storesExport) {
final storeName = storeExport[_name] as String;
// Filter store
if (storeNames != null) {
if (!storeNames.contains(storeName)) {
final keys = (storeExport[_keys] as Iterable).toList(growable: false);
final values = List<Object>.from(storeExport[_values] as Iterable);
var store = (txn as SembastTransaction)
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i] as Object;
await store.txnPut(
txn, sembastDatabase.fromJsonEncodable(values[i]), key);
return db;