sembast_io library


Base class for a custion implementation, by defining only decodeAsync and encodeAsync
Sort order boundary, lower or upper to use in a Finder
Database client (either Database or Transaction)
The database factory that allow opening database
The modes in which a Database can be opened.
Special field access
Field Key utilities
Update values
Filter for searching into the database
Finder helper for searching a given store
QueryRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A query on a store.
RecordChange<K, V>
Record change info streamed during StoreRef.onChange.
RecordRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
An immutable record reference
RecordSnapshot<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A read record
RecordsRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
An immutable reference to multiple records
The sembast codec to use to read/write records.
SortOrder<T extends Object?>
Sort order
StoreFactory<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
Store factory interface
StoreRef<K extends Key?, V extends Value?>
A pointer to a store.
Database transaction.


DatabaseExtension on Database
Database extension methods.
RecordSnapshotIterableExtension on Iterable<RecordSnapshot<K, V>>
Extension on iterable of record snapshot
SembastDatabaseAllStoresChangesListenerExtension on Database
All stores changes listener extension.
SembastDatabaseClientExtension on DatabaseClient
Database client extension methods.
SembastFilterCombination on Filter
Provides convenience methods for combining multiple Filters.
SembastQueryRefCommonExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Common extension
SembastQueryRefExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Query db actions.
SembastQueryRefSyncExtension on QueryRef<K, V>
Query db actions. synchronous access.
SembastRecordChangeExtension on RecordChange<K, V>
Record change helper.
SembastRecordRefExtension on RecordRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordRefSyncExtension on RecordRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordsRefCommonExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref common extension.
SembastRecordsRefExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastRecordsRefSyncExtension on RecordsRef<K, V>
Record ref sembast public extension.
SembastStoreRefCommonExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref common public sembast extension (no db access).
SembastStoreRefExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref public sembast extension.
SembastStoreRefSyncExtension on StoreRef<K, V>
Store ref public sembast extension.


databaseFactoryIo DatabaseFactory
Factory for io databases (flutter, dart vm).
no setter
intMapStoreFactory → StoreFactoryBase<int, Map<String, Object?>>
Store factory with key as int and value as Map
sembastCodecDefault SembastCodec
Json Codec with supports for DateTime and Blobs (UInt8List)
getter/setter pair
sembastDefaultTypeAdapters List<SembastTypeAdapter<Object, String>>
Support Timestamp and Blob
stringMapStoreFactory → StoreFactoryBase<String, Map<String, Object?>>
Store factory with key as String and value as Map


createDatabaseFactoryIo({String? rootPath}) DatabaseFactory
Make sembast database all belong to a single rootPath instead of relative to the current directory or absolute in the whole file system
disableSembastCooperator() → void
Disable sembast cooperator.
enableSembastCooperator({int? delayMicroseconds, int? pauseMicroseconds}) → void
Re-enable sembast cooperator or change default pause and delay
sembastCodecWithAdapters(Iterable<SembastTypeAdapter> adapters) SembastCodec
Default codec has no toString converted and no signature. as format is expected to be compatible


OnVersionChangedFunction = FutureOr Function(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)
Callback interface called when the existing version differs from the one expected.
RecordKeyBase = Object
Base key.
RecordValueBase = Object
Base value.
TransactionRecordChangeListener<K, V> = FutureOr<void> Function(Transaction transaction, List<RecordChange<K, V>> changes)
Record change listener

Exceptions / Errors

Database exception.