indexAtWord method

int indexAtWord(
  1. int? word, {
  2. bool start = true,

Returns the index where word starts (or ends, if start is false). Note, the first word is word 1, and so on.


int indexAtWord(int? word, {bool start = true}) {
  if (word == null || word <= 0) return 0;
  var wordCount = 0;
  var isInWord = false;
  var i = 0;
  final utf16Chars = codeUnits;
  for (final utf16Char in utf16Chars) {
    final isNonWordChar = isNonWordCharacter(utf16Char);
    if (isInWord) {
      if (isNonWordChar) {
        isInWord = false;
        if (word == wordCount && !start) return i;
    } else if (!isNonWordChar) {
      if (word == wordCount && start) return i;
      isInWord = true;
  return i;