functions library


defaultOptions → const ({String indent, String newline, int subClauseIndent, bool uppercaseKeywords})
Default formatting options


applyFormatting(FormattingOptions options) String Function(String)
A function that applies formatting options to a string.
columnToSql(SelectedColumn col) String
Converts a SelectedColumn to a SQL string.
conditionToSQL(WhereCondition condition, {Formatter<Operand> operandFormatter = defaultOperandFormatter, Formatter<ClauseOperator> operatorFormatter = defaultOperatorFormatter}) String
Converts a WhereCondition to a SQL string.
defaultAllClausesFormatter(AllClauses clauses) String
Converts AllClauses to an SQL string.
defaultJoinFormatter(List<Join> joins) String
The default formatter for a list of Joins.
defaultJoinTypeFormatter(JoinType type) String
The default formatter for a JoinType.
defaultOperandFormatter(Operand operand) String
The default formatter for an Operand.
defaultOperatorFormatter(ClauseOperator op) String
The default formatter for a ClauseOperator.
defaultOrderByFormatter(List<OrderByElement> orderBy) String
The default formatter for the ORDER BY clause.
defaultSelectFormatter(List<SelectedColumn> columns) String
Converts a list of SelectedColumns to a SQL SELECT statement.
defaultWhereFormatter(WhereClauseGroup group) String
The default formatter for the WHERE clause.
formatClause(String keyword, String clause, FormattingOptions options, {bool isSubclause = false}) String
Formats the SELECT clause.
formattedAllClausesFormatter(AllClauses clauses) String
Converts AllClauses to an SQL string with default formatting options.
identity(String s) String
A function that returns the input string as is.
joinToSql(Join join, {Formatter<JoinType> typeFormatter = defaultJoinTypeFormatter, Formatter<String> tableFormatter = identity, Formatter<WhereClauseGroup> onFormatter = defaultWhereFormatter}) String
Converts a Join to a SQL string.
orderByElementToSql(OrderByElement element) String
Converts an OrderByElement to a SQL string.
sqlFormatter(AllClauses clauses, FormattingOptions options) String
Compose all formatters
statementToSql(SelectStatement statement, {Formatter<List<SelectedColumn>> selectFormatter = defaultSelectFormatter, Formatter<String> fromFormatter = identity, Formatter<List<Join>> joinFormatter = defaultJoinFormatter, Formatter<WhereClauseGroup> whereFormatter = defaultWhereFormatter, Formatter<List<OrderByElement>> orderByFormatter = defaultOrderByFormatter, Formatter<AllClauses> allClausesFormatter = defaultAllClausesFormatter}) String
Converts a SelectStatement to an SQL string.
whereClauseElementToSql(WhereClauseElement element) String
Converts a WhereClauseElement to a SQL string.


AllClauses = ({String fromClause, String joinClause, String orderByClause, String selectClause, String whereClause})
The clause text for each part of the statement
Formatter<T> = String Function(T)
Type alias for a function that formats a value of type T to a String.
FormattingOptions = ({String indent, String newline, int subClauseIndent, bool uppercaseKeywords})
Formatting options for the SQL formatter.