passwordStrength function

int passwordStrength(
  1. String password

This method returns the strength of a password on a scale from one to ten as an integer.


int passwordStrength(String password) {
  int result = 0;
  List<String> charList = password.split('');
  for (int i = 1; i < charList.length; i++) {
    String currentItem = charList[i];
    String currentItemType = charType(currentItem);
    String lastItem = charList[i - 1];
    String lastItemType = charType(lastItem);
    if (currentItemType == 'normChar' && lastItemType == 'normChar') {
      int itemSpace = getCharSpace(currentItem, lastItem);
      if (itemSpace > securityWeight) {
        result = result + arabicCharacterWeight;
      } else {
        // Do nothing.
    } else if (currentItemType == 'specialChar' &&
        lastItemType == 'specialChar') {
      result = result + specialCharacterWeight;
    } else if (currentItemType == 'int' && lastItemType == 'int') {
      int itemSpace = getNumberSpace(currentItem, lastItem);
      if (itemSpace > securityWeight) {
        result = result + arabicCharacterWeight;
      } else {
        // Do nothing.
  return result;