aesCbcDecrypt static method

String aesCbcDecrypt(
  1. Uint8List key,
  2. Uint8List iv,
  3. Uint8List cipherText


static String aesCbcDecrypt(
  Uint8List key,
  Uint8List iv,
  Uint8List cipherText,
) {
  if (![128, 192, 256].contains(key.length * 8)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(key, 'key', 'invalid key length for AES');
  if (iv.length * 8 != 128) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(iv, 'iv', 'invalid IV length for AES');
  if (cipherText.length * 8 % 128 != 0) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        cipherText, 'cipherText', 'invalid length for AES');

  // Create a CBC block cipher with AES, and initialize with key and IV

  final cbc = BlockCipher('AES/CBC')
    ..init(false, ParametersWithIV(KeyParameter(key), iv)); // false=decrypt

  // Decrypt the cipherText block-by-block

  final paddedPlainText = Uint8List(cipherText.length); // allocate space

  var offset = 0;
  while (offset < cipherText.length) {
    offset += cbc.processBlock(cipherText, offset, paddedPlainText, offset);
  assert(offset == cipherText.length);

  return utf8.decode(unpad(paddedPlainText));