wNAF static method
static WNAF wNAF(BigInt n) {
// w-ary non-adjacent form (wNAF) method.
// Compared to other point mult methods,
if (Gpows.isEmpty) {
final comp = Gpows.map((e) => e.copy()).toList();
// negate
Point neg(bool cnd, Point p) {
final n = p.negate();
return cnd ? n : p;
// f must be G, or could become I in the end
Point p = Point.I.copy();
Point f = Point.G.copy();
// W=8 17 windows
final int windows = 1 + 256 ~/ W;
// W=8 128 window size
final wsize = 1 << (W - 1);
// W=8 will create mask 0b11111111
final mask = BigInt.from(1 << W) - BigInt.one;
// W=8 256
final int maxNum = 1 << W;
// W=8 8
final shiftBy = BigInt.from(W);
for (var w = 0; w < windows; w++) {
final int off = w * wsize;
// extract W bits.
int wbits = (n & mask).toInt();
// shift number by W bits.
n >>= shiftBy.toInt();
// split if bits > max: +224 => 256-32
if (wbits > wsize) {
wbits -= maxNum;
n += BigInt.one;
// offsets, evaluate both
final int off1 = off;
final int off2 = off + (wbits.abs()) - 1;
final bool cnd1 = w % 2 != 0;
final bool cnd2 = wbits < 0;
// conditions, evaluate both
if (wbits == 0) {
// bits are 0: add garbage to fake point
f = f.add(neg(cnd1, comp[off1]));
} else {
// ^ can't add off2, off2 = I
// bits are 1: add to result point
p = p.add(neg(cnd2, comp[off2]));
} // return both real and fake points for JIT
return WNAF._(p, f);