verify method

bool verify(
  1. Signature sig,
  2. Uint8List message, {
  3. bool? lowS,


bool verify(Signature sig, Uint8List message, {bool? lowS}) {
  // Default lowS=true
  lowS ??= true;

  late BigInt h;
  // 4.1.4
  late Point P;

  try {
    sig = sig.assertValidity();
    // Truncate hash
    h = Utilities.bits2int_modN(Utilities.matchLength(message, fLen));
    // Validate public key
    P = Point.fromBytes(bytes);
  } catch (e) {
    // Check sig for validity in both cases
    return false;
  // lowS bans sig.s >= CURVE.n/2
  if (lowS && Utilities.moreThanHalfN(sig.s)) {
    return false;
  late Point? R;
  try {
    // s^-1
    final inverse = Utilities.inverse(sig.s, N);
    // u1 = hs^-1 mod n
    final u1 = Utilities.mod(h * inverse, N);
    // u2 = rs^-1 mod n
    final u2 = Utilities.mod(sig.r * inverse, N);
    // R = u1⋅G + u2⋅P
    R = Point.G.mulAddQUns(P, u1, u2);
  } catch (error) {
    return false;
  // stop if R is identity / zero point
  // todo: check if this condition checking is necessary or not!!
  if (R.equals(Point.BASE) || R.equals(Point.ZERO)) {
    return false;

  // <== The weird ECDSA part. R.x must be in N's field, not P's
  final v = Utilities.mod(R.affinePoint().x, N);
  return v == sig.r;