assertValidity method

Point assertValidity()

Checks if the point is valid and on-curve


Point assertValidity() {
  // convert to 2d xy affine point.
  final affinePointValue = affinePoint();
  // convert to 2d xy affine point.
  final (BigInt x, BigInt y) = (affinePointValue.x, affinePointValue.y);
  if (!Utilities.fe(x) || !Utilities.fe(y)) {
    // x and y must be in range 0 < n < P
    throw Exception('Point invalid: x or y');
  // y² = x³ + ax + b, must be equal
  if (Utilities.mod(y * y) == Utilities.crv(x)) {
    return this;
  throw Exception('Point invalid: not on curve');