sealed_languages library
Provides data for world languages in the form of sealed classes.
- AfroAsiatic
- A class that represents the Afro-Asiatic language family.
- Algonquian
- A class that represents the Algonquian language family.
- Austroasiatic
- A class that represents the Austroasiatic language family.
- Austronesian
- A class that represents the Austronesian language family.
- Aymaran
- A class that represents the Aymaran language family.
- BasicLocale
- A basic representation of a locale.
- Constructed
- A class that represents the Constructed language family.
- Creole
- A class that represents the Creole language family.
- DeneYeniseian
- A class that represents the Dene-Yeniseian language family.
- Dravidian
- A class that represents the Dravidian language family.
- EskimoAleut
- A class that represents the Eskimo Aleut language family.
- IndoEuropean
- A class that represents the Indo-European language family.
Name extends Object> - An interface that represents an ISO-standardized object.
Translation extends TranslatedName, Name extends Object> - An abstract interface class that extends Translated and implements IsoStandardized.
- Japonic
- A class that represents the Japonic language family.
- JsonCodec
- A JsonCodec encodes JSON objects to strings and decodes strings to JSON objects.
T extends Object> - An interface that represents an object that can be encoded to JSON.
- Koreanic
- A class that represents the Koreanic language family.
- LangAar
- A class that represents the Afar language.
- LangAbk
- A class that represents the Abkhaz language.
- LangAfr
- A class that represents the Afrikaans language.
- LangAka
- A class that represents the Akan language.
- LangAmh
- A class that represents the Amharic language.
- LangAra
- A class that represents the Arabic language.
- LangArg
- A class that represents the Aragonese language.
- LangAsm
- A class that represents the Assamese language.
- LangAva
- A class that represents the Avaric language.
- LangAve
- A class that represents the Avestan language.
- LangAym
- A class that represents the Aymara language.
- LangAze
- A class that represents the Azerbaijani language.
- LangBak
- A class that represents the Bashkir language.
- LangBam
- A class that represents the Bambara language.
- LangBel
- A class that represents the Belarusian language.
- LangBen
- A class that represents the Bengali (Bangla) language.
- LangBih
- A class that represents the Bihari language.
- LangBis
- A class that represents the Bislama language.
- LangBod
- A class that represents the Tibetan Standard language.
- LangBos
- A class that represents the Bosnian language.
- LangBre
- A class that represents the Breton language.
- LangBul
- A class that represents the Bulgarian language.
- LangCat
- A class that represents the Catalan language.
- LangCes
- A class that represents the Czech language.
- LangCha
- A class that represents the Chamorro language.
- LangChe
- A class that represents the Chechen language.
- LangChu
- A class that represents the (Old) Church Slavonic language.
- LangChv
- A class that represents the Chuvash language.
- LangCor
- A class that represents the Cornish language.
- LangCos
- A class that represents the Corsican language.
- LangCre
- A class that represents the Cree language.
- LangCym
- A class that represents the Welsh language.
- LangDan
- A class that represents the Danish language.
- LangDeu
- A class that represents the German language.
- LangDiv
- A class that represents the Divehi (Dhivehi/Maldivian) language.
- LangDzo
- A class that represents the Dzongkha language.
- LangEll
- A class that represents the Greek (modern) language.
- LangEng
- A class that represents the English language.
- LangEpo
- A class that represents the Esperanto language.
- LangEst
- A class that represents the Estonian language.
- LangEus
- A class that represents the Basque language.
- LangEwe
- A class that represents the Ewe language.
- LangFao
- A class that represents the Faroese language.
- LangFas
- A class that represents the Persian (Farsi) language.
- LangFij
- A class that represents the Fijian language.
- LangFin
- A class that represents the Finnish language.
- LangFra
- A class that represents the French language.
- LangFry
- A class that represents the Western Frisian language.
- LangFul
- A class that represents the Fula (Fulah/Pulaar/Pular) language.
- LangGla
- A class that represents the (Scottish) Gaelic language.
- LangGle
- A class that represents the Irish language.
- LangGlg
- A class that represents the Galician language.
- LangGlv
- A class that represents the Manx language.
- LangGrn
- A class that represents the Guaraní language.
- LangGuj
- A class that represents the Gujarati language.
- LangHat
- A class that represents the Haitian (Haitian Creole) language.
- LangHau
- A class that represents the Hausa language.
- LangHeb
- A class that represents the Hebrew (modern) language.
- LangHer
- A class that represents the Herero language.
- LangHin
- A class that represents the Hindi language.
- LangHmo
- A class that represents the Hiri Motu language.
- LangHrv
- A class that represents the Croatian language.
- LangHun
- A class that represents the Hungarian language.
- LangHye
- A class that represents the Armenian language.
- LangIbo
- A class that represents the Igbo language.
- LangIdo
- A class that represents the Ido language.
- LangIii
- A class that represents the Nuosu language.
- LangIku
- A class that represents the Inuktitut language.
- LangIle
- A class that represents the Interlingue language.
- LangIna
- A class that represents the Interlingua language.
- LangInd
- A class that represents the Indonesian language.
- LangIpk
- A class that represents the Inupiaq language.
- LangIsl
- A class that represents the Icelandic language.
- LangIta
- A class that represents the Italian language.
- LangJav
- A class that represents the Javanese language.
- LangJpn
- A class that represents the Japanese language.
- LangKal
- A class that represents the Kalaallisut (Greenlandic) language.
- LangKan
- A class that represents the Kannada language.
- LangKas
- A class that represents the Kashmiri language.
- LangKat
- A class that represents the Georgian language.
- LangKau
- A class that represents the Kanuri language.
- LangKaz
- A class that represents the Kazakh language.
- LangKhm
- A class that represents the Khmer language.
- LangKik
- A class that represents the Kikuyu (Gikuyu) language.
- LangKin
- A class that represents the Kinyarwanda language.
- LangKir
- A class that represents the Kyrgyz language.
- LangKom
- A class that represents the Komi language.
- LangKon
- A class that represents the Kongo language.
- LangKor
- A class that represents the Korean language.
- LangKua
- A class that represents the Kwanyama (Kuanyama) language.
- LangKur
- A class that represents the Kurdish language.
- LangLao
- A class that represents the Lao language.
- LangLat
- A class that represents the Latin language.
- LangLav
- A class that represents the Latvian language.
- LangLim
- A class that represents the Limburgish (Limburgan/Limburger) language.
- LangLin
- A class that represents the Lingala language.
- LangLit
- A class that represents the Lithuanian language.
- LangLtz
- A class that represents the Luxembourgish (Letzeburgesch) language.
- LangLub
- A class that represents the Luba-Katanga language.
- LangLug
- A class that represents the Ganda language.
- LangMah
- A class that represents the Marshallese language.
- LangMal
- A class that represents the Malayalam language.
- LangMar
- A class that represents the Marathi (Marāṭhī) language.
- LangMkd
- A class that represents the Macedonian language.
- LangMlg
- A class that represents the Malagasy language.
- LangMlt
- A class that represents the Maltese language.
- LangMon
- A class that represents the Mongolian language.
- LangMri
- A class that represents the Māori language.
- LangMsa
- A class that represents the Malay language.
- LangMya
- A class that represents the Burmese language.
- LangNau
- A class that represents the Nauruan language.
- A class that represents the Navajo (Navaho) language.
- LangNbl
- A class that represents the Southern Ndebele language.
- LangNde
- A class that represents the Northern Ndebele language.
- LangNdo
- A class that represents the Ndonga language.
- LangNep
- A class that represents the Nepali language.
- LangNld
- A class that represents the Dutch language.
- LangNno
- A class that represents the Norwegian Nynorsk language.
- LangNob
- A class that represents the Norwegian Bokmål language.
- LangNor
- A class that represents the Norwegian language.
- LangNya
- A class that represents the Chichewa (Chewa/Nyanja) language.
- LangOci
- A class that represents the Occitan language.
- LangOji
- A class that represents the Ojibwe (Ojibwa) language.
- LangOri
- A class that represents the Oriya language.
- LangOrm
- A class that represents the Oromo language.
- LangOss
- A class that represents the Ossetian (Ossetic) language.
- LangPan
- A class that represents the (Eastern) Punjabi language.
- LangPli
- A class that represents the Pāli language.
- LangPol
- A class that represents the Polish language.
- LangPor
- A class that represents the Portuguese language.
- LangPus
- A class that represents the Pashto (Pushto) language.
- LangQue
- A class that represents the Quechua language.
- LangRoh
- A class that represents the Romansh language.
- LangRon
- A class that represents the Romanian language.
- LangRun
- A class that represents the Kirundi language.
- LangRus
- A class that represents the Russian language.
- LangSag
- A class that represents the Sango language.
- LangSan
- A class that represents the Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta) language.
- LangSin
- A class that represents the Sinhalese (Sinhala) language.
- LangSlk
- A class that represents the Slovak language.
- LangSlv
- A class that represents the Slovene language.
- LangSme
- A class that represents the Northern Sami language.
- LangSmo
- A class that represents the Samoan language.
- LangSna
- A class that represents the Shona language.
- LangSnd
- A class that represents the Sindhi language.
- LangSom
- A class that represents the Somali language.
- LangSot
- A class that represents the Southern Sotho language.
- LangSpa
- A class that represents the Spanish language.
- LangSqi
- A class that represents the Albanian language.
- LangSrd
- A class that represents the Sardinian language.
- LangSrp
- A class that represents the Serbian language.
- LangSsw
- A class that represents the Swati language.
- LangSun
- A class that represents the Sundanese language.
- LangSwa
- A class that represents the Swahili language.
- LangSwe
- A class that represents the Swedish language.
- LangTah
- A class that represents the Tahitian language.
- LangTam
- A class that represents the Tamil language.
- LangTat
- A class that represents the Tatar language.
- LangTel
- A class that represents the Telugu language.
- LangTgk
- A class that represents the Tajik language.
- LangTgl
- A class that represents the Tagalog language.
- LangTha
- A class that represents the Thai language.
- LangTir
- A class that represents the Tigrinya language.
- LangTon
- A class that represents the Tonga (Tonga Islands) language.
- LangTsn
- A class that represents the Tswana language.
- LangTso
- A class that represents the Tsonga language.
- LangTuk
- A class that represents the Turkmen language.
- LangTur
- A class that represents the Turkish language.
- LangTwi
- A class that represents the Twi language.
- Language
- A sealed class that represents a language.
- LanguageFamily
- A sealed class that represents a family of related languages.
- LanguageIsolate
- A class that represents the Language Isolate language family.
- LangUig
- A class that represents the Uyghur language.
- LangUkr
- A class that represents the Ukrainian language.
- LangUrd
- A class that represents the Urdu language.
- LangUzb
- A class that represents the Uzbek language.
- LangVen
- A class that represents the Venda language.
- LangVie
- A class that represents the Vietnamese language.
- LangVol
- A class that represents the Volapük language.
- LangWln
- A class that represents the Walloon language.
- LangWol
- A class that represents the Wolof language.
- LangXho
- A class that represents the Xhosa language.
- LangYid
- A class that represents the Yiddish language.
- LangYor
- A class that represents the Yoruba language.
- LangZha
- A class that represents the Zhuang (Chuang) language.
- LangZho
- A class that represents the Chinese language.
- LangZul
- A class that represents the Zulu language.
- Mongolic
- A class that represents the Mongolic language family.
T extends Object> - An abstract interface class for objects that have a String name.
- NaturalLanguage
- A class that represents a natural language.
- NaturalLanguageFamily
- A class that represents a family of natural languages.
- NigerCongo
- A class that represents the Niger-Congo language family.
- NiloSaharan
- A class that represents the Nilo-Saharan language family.
- NortheastCaucasian
- A class that represents the Northeast Caucasian language family.
- NorthwestCaucasian
- A class that represents the Northwest Caucasian language family.
- ProgrammingLanguage
- A class that represents a programming language.
- Quechuan
- A class that represents the Quechuan language family.
- Script
- A class that represents a script used in writing systems.
- ScriptAdlm
- A class that represents the Adlam script.
- ScriptAfak
- A class that represents the Afaka script.
- ScriptAghb
- A class that represents the Caucasian Albanian script.
- ScriptAhom
- A class that represents the Ahom, Tai Ahom script.
- ScriptArab
- A class that represents the Arabic script.
- ScriptAran
- A class that represents the Arabic (Nastaliq variant) script.
- ScriptArmi
- A class that represents the Imperial Aramaic script.
- ScriptArmn
- A class that represents the Armenian script.
- ScriptAvst
- A class that represents the Avestan script.
- ScriptBali
- A class that represents the Balinese script.
- ScriptBamu
- A class that represents the Bamum script.
- ScriptBass
- A class that represents the Bassa Vah script.
- ScriptBatk
- A class that represents the Batak script.
- ScriptBeng
- A class that represents the Bengali (Bangla) script.
- ScriptBhks
- A class that represents the Bhaiksuki script.
- ScriptBlis
- A class that represents the Blissymbols script.
- ScriptBopo
- A class that represents the Bopomofo script.
- ScriptBrah
- A class that represents the Brahmi script.
- ScriptBrai
- A class that represents the Braille script.
- ScriptBugi
- A class that represents the Buginese script.
- ScriptBuhd
- A class that represents the Buhid script.
- ScriptCakm
- A class that represents the Chakma script.
- ScriptCans
- A class that represents the Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics script.
- ScriptCari
- A class that represents the Carian script.
- ScriptCham
- A class that represents the Cham script.
- ScriptCher
- A class that represents the Cherokee script.
- ScriptChrs
- A class that represents the Chorasmian script.
- ScriptCirt
- A class that represents the Cirth script.
- ScriptCopt
- A class that represents the Coptic script.
- ScriptCpmn
- A class that represents the Cypro-Minoan script.
- ScriptCprt
- A class that represents the Cypriot syllabary script.
- ScriptCyrl
- A class that represents the Cyrillic script.
- ScriptCyrs
- A class that represents the Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant) script.
- ScriptDeva
- A class that represents the Devanagari (Nagari) script.
- ScriptDiak
- A class that represents the Dives Akuru script.
- ScriptDogr
- A class that represents the Dogra script.
- ScriptDsrt
- A class that represents the Deseret (Mormon) script.
- ScriptDupl
- A class that represents the Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography script.
- ScriptEgyd
- A class that represents the Egyptian demotic script.
- ScriptEgyh
- A class that represents the Egyptian hieratic script.
- ScriptEgyp
- A class that represents the Egyptian hieroglyphs script.
- ScriptElba
- A class that represents the Elbasan script.
- ScriptElym
- A class that represents the Elymaic script.
- ScriptEthi
- A class that represents the Ethiopic (Geʻez) script.
- ScriptGeok
- A class that represents the Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri) script.
- ScriptGeor
- A class that represents the Georgian (Mkhedruli and Mtavruli) script.
- ScriptGlag
- A class that represents the Glagolitic script.
- ScriptGong
- A class that represents the Gunjala Gondi script.
- ScriptGonm
- A class that represents the Masaram Gondi script.
- ScriptGoth
- A class that represents the Gothic script.
- ScriptGran
- A class that represents the Grantha script.
- ScriptGrek
- A class that represents the Greek script.
- ScriptGujr
- A class that represents the Gujarati script.
- ScriptGuru
- A class that represents the Gurmukhi script.
- ScriptHanb
- A class that represents the Han with Bopomofo (alias for Han + Bopomofo) script.
- ScriptHang
- A class that represents the Hangul (Hangŭl, Hangeul) script.
- ScriptHani
- A class that represents the Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja) script.
- ScriptHano
- A class that represents the Hanunoo (Hanunóo) script.
- ScriptHans
- A class that represents the Han (Simplified variant) script.
- ScriptHant
- A class that represents the Han (Traditional variant) script.
- ScriptHatr
- A class that represents the Hatran script.
- ScriptHebr
- A class that represents the Hebrew script.
- ScriptHira
- A class that represents the Hiragana script.
- ScriptHluw
- A class that represents the Anatolian Hieroglyphs (Luwian Hieroglyphs, Hittite Hieroglyphs) script.
- ScriptHmng
- A class that represents the Pahawh Hmong script.
- ScriptHmnp
- A class that represents the Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong script.
- ScriptHrkt
- A class that represents the Japanese syllabaries (alias for Hiragana
- ScriptHung
- A class that represents the Old Hungarian (Hungarian Runic) script.
- ScriptInds
- A class that represents the Indus (Harappan) script.
- ScriptItal
- A class that represents the Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.) script.
- ScriptJamo
- A class that represents the Jamo (alias for Jamo subset of Hangul) script.
- ScriptJava
- A class that represents the Javanese script.
- ScriptJpan
- A class that represents the Japanese (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana) script.
- ScriptJurc
- A class that represents the Jurchen script.
- ScriptKali
- A class that represents the Kayah Li script.
- ScriptKana
- A class that represents the Katakana script.
- ScriptKawi
- A class that represents the Kawi script.
- ScriptKhar
- A class that represents the Kharoshthi script.
- ScriptKhmr
- A class that represents the Khmer script.
- ScriptKhoj
- A class that represents the Khojki script.
- ScriptKitl
- A class that represents the Khitan large script script.
- ScriptKits
- A class that represents the Khitan small script script.
- ScriptKnda
- A class that represents the Kannada script.
- ScriptKore
- A class that represents the Korean (alias for Hangul + Han) script.
- ScriptKpel
- A class that represents the Kpelle script.
- ScriptKthi
- A class that represents the Kaithi script.
- ScriptLana
- A class that represents the Tai Tham (Lanna) script.
- ScriptLaoo
- A class that represents the Lao script.
- ScriptLatf
- A class that represents the Latin (Fraktur variant) script.
- ScriptLatg
- A class that represents the Latin (Gaelic variant) script.
- ScriptLatn
- A class that represents the Latin script.
- ScriptLeke
- A class that represents the Leke script.
- ScriptLepc
- A class that represents the Lepcha (Róng) script.
- ScriptLimb
- A class that represents the Limbu script.
- ScriptLina
- A class that represents the Linear A script.
- ScriptLinb
- A class that represents the Linear B script.
- ScriptLisu
- A class that represents the Lisu (Fraser) script.
- ScriptLoma
- A class that represents the Loma script.
- ScriptLyci
- A class that represents the Lycian script.
- ScriptLydi
- A class that represents the Lydian script.
- ScriptMahj
- A class that represents the Mahajani script.
- ScriptMaka
- A class that represents the Makasar script.
- ScriptMand
- A class that represents the Mandaic, Mandaean script.
- ScriptMani
- A class that represents the Manichaean script.
- ScriptMarc
- A class that represents the Marchen script.
- ScriptMaya
- A class that represents the Mayan hieroglyphs script.
- ScriptMedf
- A class that represents the Medefaidrin (Oberi Okaime, Oberi Ɔkaimɛ) script.
- ScriptMend
- A class that represents the Mende Kikakui script.
- ScriptMerc
- A class that represents the Meroitic Cursive script.
- ScriptMero
- A class that represents the Meroitic Hieroglyphs script.
- ScriptMlym
- A class that represents the Malayalam script.
- ScriptModi
- A class that represents the Modi, Moḍī script.
- ScriptMong
- A class that represents the Mongolian script.
- ScriptMoon
- A class that represents the Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type) script.
- ScriptMroo
- A class that represents the Mro, Mru script.
- ScriptMtei
- A class that represents the Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei) script.
- ScriptMult
- A class that represents the Multani script.
- ScriptMymr
- A class that represents the Myanmar (Burmese) script.
- ScriptNagm
- A class that represents the Nag Mundari script.
- ScriptNand
- A class that represents the Nandinagari script.
- ScriptNarb
- A class that represents the Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian) script.
- ScriptNbat
- A class that represents the Nabataean script.
- ScriptNewa
- A class that represents the Newa, Newar, Newari, Nepāla lipi script.
- ScriptNkdb
- A class that represents the Naxi Dongba (na²¹ɕi³³ to³³ba²¹, Nakhi Tomba) script.
- ScriptNkgb
- A class that represents the Naxi Geba (na²¹ɕi³³ gʌ²¹ba²¹, 'Na-'Khi ²Ggŏ-¹baw, Nakhi Geba) script.
- ScriptNkoo
- A class that represents the N’Ko script.
- ScriptNshu
- A class that represents the Nüshu script.
- ScriptOgam
- A class that represents the Ogham script.
- ScriptOlck
- A class that represents the Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali) script.
- ScriptOrkh
- A class that represents the Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic script.
- ScriptOrya
- A class that represents the Oriya (Odia) script.
- ScriptOsge
- A class that represents the Osage script.
- ScriptOsma
- A class that represents the Osmanya script.
- ScriptOugr
- A class that represents the Old Uyghur script.
- ScriptPalm
- A class that represents the Palmyrene script.
- ScriptPauc
- A class that represents the Pau Cin Hau script.
- ScriptPcun
- A class that represents the Proto-Cuneiform script.
- ScriptPelm
- A class that represents the Proto-Elamite script.
- ScriptPerm
- A class that represents the Old Permic script.
- ScriptPhag
- A class that represents the Phags-pa script.
- ScriptPhli
- A class that represents the Inscriptional Pahlavi script.
- ScriptPhlp
- A class that represents the Psalter Pahlavi script.
- ScriptPhlv
- A class that represents the Book Pahlavi script.
- ScriptPhnx
- A class that represents the Phoenician script.
- ScriptPiqd
- A class that represents the Klingon (KLI pIqaD) script.
- ScriptPlrd
- A class that represents the Miao (Pollard) script.
- ScriptPrti
- A class that represents the Inscriptional Parthian script.
- ScriptPsin
- A class that represents the Proto-Sinaitic script.
- ScriptQaaa
- A class that represents the Reserved for private use (start) script.
- ScriptQabx
- A class that represents the Reserved for private use (end) script.
- ScriptRanj
- A class that represents the Ranjana script.
- ScriptRjng
- A class that represents the Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga) script.
- ScriptRohg
- A class that represents the Hanifi Rohingya script.
- ScriptRoro
- A class that represents the Rongorongo script.
- ScriptRunr
- A class that represents the Runic script.
- ScriptSamr
- A class that represents the Samaritan script.
- ScriptSara
- A class that represents the Sarati script.
- ScriptSarb
- A class that represents the Old South Arabian script.
- ScriptSaur
- A class that represents the Saurashtra script.
- ScriptSgnw
- A class that represents the SignWriting script.
- ScriptShaw
- A class that represents the Shavian (Shaw) script.
- ScriptShrd
- A class that represents the Sharada, Śāradā script.
- ScriptShui
- A class that represents the Shuishu script.
- ScriptSidd
- A class that represents the Siddham, Siddhaṃ, Siddhamātṛkā script.
- ScriptSind
- A class that represents the Khudawadi, Sindhi script.
- ScriptSinh
- A class that represents the Sinhala script.
- ScriptSogd
- A class that represents the Sogdian script.
- ScriptSogo
- A class that represents the Old Sogdian script.
- ScriptSora
- A class that represents the Sora Sompeng script.
- ScriptSoyo
- A class that represents the Soyombo script.
- ScriptSund
- A class that represents the Sundanese script.
- ScriptSunu
- A class that represents the Sunuwar script.
- ScriptSylo
- A class that represents the Syloti Nagri script.
- ScriptSyrc
- A class that represents the Syriac script.
- ScriptSyre
- A class that represents the Syriac (Estrangelo variant) script.
- ScriptSyrj
- A class that represents the Syriac (Western variant) script.
- ScriptSyrn
- A class that represents the Syriac (Eastern variant) script.
- ScriptTagb
- A class that represents the Tagbanwa script.
- ScriptTakr
- A class that represents the Takri, Ṭākrī, Ṭāṅkrī script.
- ScriptTale
- A class that represents the Tai Le script.
- ScriptTalu
- A class that represents the New Tai Lue script.
- ScriptTaml
- A class that represents the Tamil script.
- ScriptTang
- A class that represents the Tangut script.
- ScriptTavt
- A class that represents the Tai Viet script.
- ScriptTelu
- A class that represents the Telugu script.
- ScriptTeng
- A class that represents the Tengwar script.
- ScriptTfng
- A class that represents the Tifinagh (Berber) script.
- ScriptTglg
- A class that represents the Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata) script.
- ScriptThaa
- A class that represents the Thaana script.
- ScriptThai
- A class that represents the Thai script.
- ScriptTibt
- A class that represents the Tibetan script.
- ScriptTirh
- A class that represents the Tirhuta script.
- ScriptTnsa
- A class that represents the Tangsa script.
- ScriptToto
- A class that represents the Toto script.
- ScriptUgar
- A class that represents the Ugaritic script.
- ScriptVaii
- A class that represents the Vai script.
- ScriptVisp
- A class that represents the Visible Speech script.
- ScriptVith
- A class that represents the Vithkuqi script.
- ScriptWara
- A class that represents the Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti) script.
- ScriptWcho
- A class that represents the Wancho script.
- ScriptWole
- A class that represents the Woleai script.
- ScriptXpeo
- A class that represents the Old Persian script.
- ScriptXsux
- A class that represents the Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian script.
- ScriptYezi
- A class that represents the Yezidi script.
- ScriptYiii
- A class that represents the Yi script.
- ScriptZanb
- A class that represents the Zanabazar Square (Zanabazarin Dörböljin Useg, Xewtee Dörböljin Bicig, Horizontal Square Script) script.
- ScriptZinh
- A class that represents the Code for inherited script script.
- ScriptZmth
- A class that represents the Mathematical notation script.
- ScriptZsye
- A class that represents the Symbols (Emoji variant) script.
- ScriptZsym
- A class that represents the Symbols script.
- ScriptZxxx
- A class that represents the Code for unwritten documents script.
- ScriptZyyy
- A class that represents the Code for undetermined script script.
- ScriptZzzz
- A class that represents the Code for uncoded script script.
- SinoTibetan
- A class that represents the Sino-Tibetan language family.
- SouthCaucasian
- A class that represents the South-Caucasian language family.
- TaiKadai
- A class that represents the Tai-Kadai language family.
T extends TranslatedName> - An sealed interface representing a translated object.
- TranslatedName
- A class representing a translated name of an ISO object.
- Tupian
- A class that represents the Tupian language family.
- Turkic
- A class that represents the Turkic language family.
V extends IsoStandardized< Object> > - An uppercase key map UpperCaseMap, that uses ISO standardized string keys.
V extends Object> - An uppercase key map that uses trimmed uppercase string keys.
- Uralic
- A class that represents the Uralic language family.
- WritingSystem
- A sealed class that represents a writing system.
- BasicLocaleExtension on BasicLocale
Provides extension methods for BasicLocale class.
Contains common methods for example
, etc, that are common to all package's submodels. - IsoStandardizedStringExtension on String
- Extension on String providing additional functionality for ISO standardized strings.
on Iterable<
I> -
An extension on Iterable where the type parameter
extends IsoTranslated. - NaturalLanguageBoolGetters on NaturalLanguage
- NaturalLanguageCopyWith on NaturalLanguage
Extension on NaturalLanguage that provides a
method for creating a new instance of NaturalLanguage with updated properties. - NaturalLanguageFamilyFunctional on NaturalLanguageFamily
- NaturalLanguageFunctional on NaturalLanguage
- NaturalLanguageGetters on NaturalLanguage
- Provides convenient getters for ISO 639 language codes on a NaturalLanguage class.
- NaturalLanguageJson on NaturalLanguage
- Extension on NaturalLanguage that provides methods for converting NaturalLanguage objects to and from JSON maps.
- ScriptBoolGetters on Script
- ScriptCopyWith on Script
- Adds copyWith method to Script objects.
- ScriptFunctional on Script
- ScriptGetters on Script
- Provides extension getters for Script class. Contains common getters for ISO related properties of the class, typically those are code getters with ISO standard number, different type converters, etc.
- ScriptJson on Script
- Extension on Script that provides methods for converting Script objects to and from JSON maps.
on Iterable<
T?> - Extension on Iterable class to provide helper methods for working with Iterables.
on Iterable<
T> - Extension on Iterable class to provide helper methods for working with IsoStandardized collections.
- SealedWorldJsonStringExtension on String
- Extension on String that provides methods for parsing JSON strings.
on Iterable<
T> ? - Extension on Iterable class to provide helper methods for working with nullable IsoStandardized collections.
- SealedWorldObjectExtension on Object
- Extension on Object providing utility to convert the object to ISO code.
on Translated<
T> - An extension that provides translation methods for objects implementing the Translated interface.
- TranslatedNameExtension on TranslatedName
Provides extension methods for TranslatedName class.
Contains common methods for example
, etc, that are common to all package's submodels. -
on UpperCaseIsoMap<
V> - Extension methods for the UpperCaseIsoMap class.
Object? object, {Object? toEncodable(Object? nonEncodable)?}) → String -
to a JSON string.