SealedWorldNullableIterableIsoExtension<T extends IsoStandardized<Object>> extension

Extension on Iterable class to provide helper methods for working with nullable IsoStandardized collections.



firstIsoWhereCodeOrNull(Object? code) → T?
Returns the first IsoStandardized element in the collection that has the given regular code, or null if there is no such element.
firstIsoWhereCodeOtherOrNull(Object? codeOther) → T?
Returns the first IsoStandardized element in the collection that has the given other codeOther, or null if there is no such element.
firstIsoWhereOrNull(bool test(T iso), {bool assertNotEmpty = true}) → T?
The first IsoStandardized element satisfying test, or null if there are none. If assertNotEmpty is set to true (default to false), then an AssertionError is thrown if the collection is empty.