tryParse<T> method

T? tryParse<T>(
  1. T? fromJson(
    1. JsonMap map
    )?, {
  2. JsonCodec? codec,

Tries to parse the JSON string into an object of type T.

The fromJson function is used to convert the JSON map into an object of type T. The optional codec parameter can be used to specify a custom JsonCodec to use for decoding the JSON string.

If the JSON string cannot be parsed, this method returns null exposing an exception occurred during parse process.

Example usage:

final jsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
final maybePerson = jsonString.tryParse(Person.fromJson);


T? tryParse<T>(T? Function(JsonMap map)? fromJson, {JsonCodec? codec}) {
  codec ??= const JsonCodec();
  try {
    final jsonMap = codec.decode(this) as JsonMap;

    return fromJson?.call(jsonMap);
  } catch (_) {
    return null;