getAuthFactorTokenAsync method

Future<SealdSsksTMRPluginGetFactorTokenResponse> getAuthFactorTokenAsync(
  1. String sessionId,
  2. String authFactorType,
  3. String authFactorValue, {
  4. String? challenge,

Retrieve the TMR JWT associated with an authentication factor.

sessionId - The user's session ID. authFactorType - The type of authentication factor. Can be "EM" or "SMS". authFactorValue - The value of authentication factor. challenge - The challenge sent by SSKS to the user's authentication method if any.

Returns a SealdSsksTMRPluginGetFactorTokenResponse containing the retrieved token.


Future<SealdSsksTMRPluginGetFactorTokenResponse> getAuthFactorTokenAsync(
    String sessionId, String authFactorType, String authFactorValue,
    {String? challenge}) {
  final _TransferablePointer<NativeSealdSsksTMRPlugin> tPtr = _ptr;
  return compute(
      (Map<String, dynamic> args) => SealdSsksTMRPlugin._(tPtr)
          .getAuthFactorToken(args["sessionId"], args["authFactorType"],
              challenge: args["challenge"]),
        "sessionId": sessionId,
        "authFactorType": authFactorType,
        "authFactorValue": authFactorValue,
        "challenge": challenge