searchGroupTMRTemporaryKeysAsync method

Future<SealdListedGroupTMRTemporaryKey> searchGroupTMRTemporaryKeysAsync(
  1. String tmrJWT, {
  2. SealdSearchGroupTMRTemporaryKeysOpts? opts,

Search group TMR temporary keys that can be used with the TMR JWT.

tmrJWT TMR JWT to use. opts Option to filter the search results. Returns a SealdListedGroupTMRTemporaryKey instance holding the found temporary keys.


Future<SealdListedGroupTMRTemporaryKey> searchGroupTMRTemporaryKeysAsync(
    String tmrJWT,
    {SealdSearchGroupTMRTemporaryKeysOpts? opts}) {
  return compute(
      (Map<String, dynamic> args) =>
          searchGroupTMRTemporaryKeys(args["tmrJWT"], opts: args["opts"]),
      {"tmrJWT": tmrJWT, "opts": opts});