createAccountAsync method
- String signupJwt, {
- String displayName = "User",
- String deviceName = "Device",
- SealdGeneratedPrivateKeys? privateKeys,
- Duration expireAfter =,
Creates a new Seald SDK Account for this Seald SDK instance. This function can only be called if the current SDK instance does not have an account yet.
- The JWT to allow this SDK instance to create an account.
- A name for the user to create. This is metadata, useful on the Seald Dashboard for recognizing this user. Defaults to "User".
- A name for the device to create. This is metadata, useful on the Seald Dashboard for recognizing this device. Defaults to "Device".
- Optional. Pre-generated private keys, returned by a call to SealdSdk.generatePrivateKeysAsync.
- The duration during which the created device key will be valid without renewal. Optional, defaults to 5 years.
Returns a SealdAccountInfo instance containing the Seald ID of the newly created Seald user, and the device ID.
Future<SealdAccountInfo> createAccountAsync(String signupJwt,
{String displayName = "User",
String deviceName = "Device",
SealdGeneratedPrivateKeys? privateKeys,
Duration expireAfter =}) {
return compute((Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
privateKeys ??= await generatePrivateKeysAsync();
return createAccount(args["signupJwt"],
displayName: args["displayName"],
deviceName: args["deviceName"],
expireAfter: args["expireAfter"],
privateKeys: privateKeys);
}, {
"signupJwt": signupJwt,
"displayName": displayName,
"deviceName": deviceName,
"expireAfter": expireAfter