checkSigchainHashAsync method
Verify if a given hash is included in the recipient's sigchain. Use the position
option to check the hash of a specific sigchain transaction.
- The Seald ID of the concerned user.
- The expected sigchain hash.
- Position of the sigchain transaction against which to check the hash. -1 to check if the hash exist in the sigchain. Default to -1.
Returns a SealdCheckSigchainResponse instance.
Future<SealdCheckSigchainResponse> checkSigchainHashAsync(
String userId, String expectedHash,
{int position = -1}) {
return compute(
(Map<String, dynamic> args) => checkSigchainHash(
args["userId"], args["expectedHash"],
position: args["position"]),
{"userId": userId, "expectedHash": expectedHash, "position": position});