addConnectorAsync method

Future<SealdConnector> addConnectorAsync(
  1. String connectorType,
  2. String connectorValue, {
  3. SealdPreValidationToken? preValidationToken,

Add a connector to the current identity. If no preValidationToken is given, the connector will need to be validated before use.

connectorType - The type of the connector to add. connectorValue - The value of the connector to add. preValidationToken - Given by your server to authorize the adding of a connector. Returns the created SealdConnector instance.


Future<SealdConnector> addConnectorAsync(
    String connectorType, String connectorValue,
    {SealdPreValidationToken? preValidationToken}) {
  return compute(
      (Map<String, dynamic> args) => addConnector(
          args["connectorType"], args["connectorValue"],
          preValidationToken: args["preValidationToken"]),
        "connectorType": connectorType,
        "connectorValue": connectorValue,
        "preValidationToken": preValidationToken