sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_vulkan library


sdlVulkanCreateSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<NativeType> instance, Pointer<Void> allocator, Pointer<Void> surface) bool
Create a Vulkan rendering surface for a window.
sdlVulkanDestroySurface(Pointer<NativeType> instance, Pointer<NativeType> surface, Pointer<Void> allocator) → void
Destroy the Vulkan rendering surface of a window.
sdlVulkanGetInstanceExtensions(Pointer<Uint32> count) Pointer<Pointer<Int8>>
Get the Vulkan instance extensions needed for vkCreateInstance.
sdlVulkanGetPresentationSupport(Pointer<NativeType> instance, Pointer<NativeType> physicalDevice, int queueFamilyIndex) bool
Query support for presentation via a given physical device and queue family.
sdlVulkanGetVkGetInstanceProcAddr() Pointer<NativeType>
Get the address of the vkGetInstanceProcAddr function.
sdlVulkanLoadLibrary(String? path) bool
Dynamically load the Vulkan loader library.
sdlVulkanUnloadLibrary() → void
Unload the Vulkan library previously loaded by SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary().