sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_video library


sdlCreatePopupWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> parent, int offsetX, int offsetY, int w, int h, int flags) Pointer<SdlWindow>
Create a child popup window of the specified parent window.
sdlCreateWindow(String? title, int w, int h, int flags) Pointer<SdlWindow>
Create a window with the specified dimensions and flags.
sdlCreateWindowWithProperties(int props) Pointer<SdlWindow>
Create a window with the specified properties.
sdlDestroyWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) → void
Destroy a window.
sdlDestroyWindowSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Destroy the surface associated with the window.
sdlDisableScreenSaver() bool
Prevent the screen from being blanked by a screen saver.
sdlEglGetCurrentConfig() Pointer<NativeType>
Get the currently active EGL config.
sdlEglGetCurrentDisplay() Pointer<NativeType>
Get the currently active EGL display.
sdlEglGetProcAddress(String? proc) Pointer<NativeType>
Get an EGL library function by name.
sdlEglGetWindowSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<NativeType>
Get the EGL surface associated with the window.
sdlEglSetAttributeCallbacks(Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlEglAttribArrayCallback>> platformAttribCallback, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlEglIntArrayCallback>> surfaceAttribCallback, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlEglIntArrayCallback>> contextAttribCallback, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) → void
Sets the callbacks for defining custom EGLAttrib arrays for EGL initialization.
sdlEnableScreenSaver() bool
Allow the screen to be blanked by a screen saver.
sdlFlashWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int operation) bool
Request a window to demand attention from the user.
sdlGetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode(int displayId, int w, int h, double refreshRate, bool includeHighDensityModes, Pointer<SdlDisplayMode> closest) bool
Get the closest match to the requested display mode.
sdlGetCurrentDisplayMode(int displayId) Pointer<SdlDisplayMode>
Get information about the current display mode.
sdlGetCurrentDisplayOrientation(int displayId) int
Get the orientation of a display.
sdlGetCurrentVideoDriver() String?
Get the name of the currently initialized video driver.
sdlGetDesktopDisplayMode(int displayId) Pointer<SdlDisplayMode>
Get information about the desktop's display mode.
sdlGetDisplayBounds(int displayId, Pointer<SdlRect> rect) bool
Get the desktop area represented by a display.
sdlGetDisplayContentScale(int displayId) double
Get the content scale of a display.
sdlGetDisplayForPoint(Pointer<SdlPoint> point) int
Get the display containing a point.
sdlGetDisplayForRect(Pointer<SdlRect> rect) int
Get the display primarily containing a rect.
sdlGetDisplayForWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) int
Get the display associated with a window.
sdlGetDisplayName(int displayId) String?
Get the name of a display in UTF-8 encoding.
sdlGetDisplayProperties(int displayId) int
Get the properties associated with a display.
sdlGetDisplays(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected displays.
sdlGetDisplayUsableBounds(int displayId, Pointer<SdlRect> rect) bool
Get the usable desktop area represented by a display, in screen coordinates.
sdlGetFullscreenDisplayModes(int displayId, Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Pointer<SdlDisplayMode>>
Get a list of fullscreen display modes available on a display.
sdlGetGrabbedWindow() Pointer<SdlWindow>
Get the window that currently has an input grab enabled.
sdlGetNaturalDisplayOrientation(int displayId) int
Get the orientation of a display when it is unrotated.
sdlGetNumVideoDrivers() int
Get the number of video drivers compiled into SDL.
sdlGetPrimaryDisplay() int
Return the primary display.
sdlGetSystemTheme() int
Get the current system theme.
sdlGetVideoDriver(int index) String?
Get the name of a built in video driver.
sdlGetWindowAspectRatio(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Float> minAspect, Pointer<Float> maxAspect) bool
Get the size of a window's client area.
sdlGetWindowBordersSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> top, Pointer<Int32> left, Pointer<Int32> bottom, Pointer<Int32> right) bool
Get the size of a window's borders (decorations) around the client area.
sdlGetWindowDisplayScale(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) double
Get the content display scale relative to a window's pixel size.
sdlGetWindowFlags(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) int
Get the window flags.
sdlGetWindowFromId(int id) Pointer<SdlWindow>
Get a window from a stored ID.
sdlGetWindowFullscreenMode(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<SdlDisplayMode>
Query the display mode to use when a window is visible at fullscreen.
sdlGetWindowIccProfile(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Uint32> size) Pointer<NativeType>
Get the raw ICC profile data for the screen the window is currently on.
sdlGetWindowId(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) int
Get the numeric ID of a window.
sdlGetWindowKeyboardGrab(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Get a window's keyboard grab mode.
sdlGetWindowMaximumSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> w, Pointer<Int32> h) bool
Get the maximum size of a window's client area.
sdlGetWindowMinimumSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> w, Pointer<Int32> h) bool
Get the minimum size of a window's client area.
sdlGetWindowMouseGrab(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Get a window's mouse grab mode.
sdlGetWindowMouseRect(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<SdlRect>
Get the mouse confinement rectangle of a window.
sdlGetWindowOpacity(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) double
Get the opacity of a window.
sdlGetWindowParent(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<SdlWindow>
Get parent of a window.
sdlGetWindowPixelDensity(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) double
Get the pixel density of a window.
sdlGetWindowPixelFormat(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) int
Get the pixel format associated with the window.
sdlGetWindowPosition(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> x, Pointer<Int32> y) bool
Get the position of a window.
sdlGetWindowProperties(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) int
Get the properties associated with a window.
sdlGetWindows(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Pointer<SdlWindow>>
Get a list of valid windows.
sdlGetWindowSafeArea(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlRect> rect) bool
Get the safe area for this window.
sdlGetWindowSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> w, Pointer<Int32> h) bool
Get the size of a window's client area.
sdlGetWindowSizeInPixels(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> w, Pointer<Int32> h) bool
Get the size of a window's client area, in pixels.
sdlGetWindowSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Get the SDL surface associated with the window.
sdlGetWindowSurfaceVSync(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Int32> vsync) bool
Get VSync for the window surface.
sdlGetWindowTitle(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) String?
Get the title of a window.
sdlGlCreateContext(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) Pointer<SdlGlContext>
Create an OpenGL context for an OpenGL window, and make it current.
sdlGlDestroyContext(Pointer<SdlGlContext> context) bool
Delete an OpenGL context.
sdlGlExtensionSupported(String? extension) bool
Check if an OpenGL extension is supported for the current context.
sdlGlGetAttribute(int attr, Pointer<Int32> value) bool
Get the actual value for an attribute from the current context.
sdlGlGetCurrentContext() Pointer<SdlGlContext>
Get the currently active OpenGL context.
sdlGlGetCurrentWindow() Pointer<SdlWindow>
Get the currently active OpenGL window.
sdlGlGetProcAddress(String? proc) Pointer<NativeType>
Get an OpenGL function by name.
sdlGlGetSwapInterval(Pointer<Int32> interval) bool
Get the swap interval for the current OpenGL context.
sdlGlLoadLibrary(String? path) bool
Dynamically load an OpenGL library.
sdlGlMakeCurrent(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlGlContext> context) bool
Set up an OpenGL context for rendering into an OpenGL window.
sdlGlResetAttributes() → void
Reset all previously set OpenGL context attributes to their default values.
sdlGlSetAttribute(int attr, int value) bool
Set an OpenGL window attribute before window creation.
sdlGlSetSwapInterval(int interval) bool
Set the swap interval for the current OpenGL context.
sdlGlSwapWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Update a window with OpenGL rendering.
sdlGlUnloadLibrary() → void
Unload the OpenGL library previously loaded by SDL_GL_LoadLibrary().
sdlHideWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Hide a window.
sdlMaximizeWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Request that the window be made as large as possible.
sdlMinimizeWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Request that the window be minimized to an iconic representation.
sdlRaiseWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Request that a window be raised above other windows and gain the input focus.
sdlRestoreWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Request that the size and position of a minimized or maximized window be restored.
sdlScreenSaverEnabled() bool
Check whether the screensaver is currently enabled.
sdlSetWindowAlwaysOnTop(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool onTop) bool
Set the window to always be above the others.
sdlSetWindowAspectRatio(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, double minAspect, double maxAspect) bool
Request that the aspect ratio of a window's client area be set.
sdlSetWindowBordered(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool bordered) bool
Set the border state of a window.
sdlSetWindowFocusable(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool focusable) bool
Set whether the window may have input focus.
sdlSetWindowFullscreen(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool fullscreen) bool
Request that the window's fullscreen state be changed.
sdlSetWindowFullscreenMode(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlDisplayMode> mode) bool
Set the display mode to use when a window is visible and fullscreen.
sdlSetWindowHitTest(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlHitTest>> callback, Pointer<NativeType> callbackData) bool
Provide a callback that decides if a window region has special properties.
sdlSetWindowIcon(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlSurface> icon) bool
Set the icon for a window.
sdlSetWindowKeyboardGrab(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool grabbed) bool
Set a window's keyboard grab mode.
sdlSetWindowMaximumSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int maxW, int maxH) bool
Set the maximum size of a window's client area.
sdlSetWindowMinimumSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int minW, int minH) bool
Set the minimum size of a window's client area.
sdlSetWindowModal(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool modal) bool
Toggle the state of the window as modal.
sdlSetWindowMouseGrab(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool grabbed) bool
Set a window's mouse grab mode.
sdlSetWindowMouseRect(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlRect> rect) bool
Confines the cursor to the specified area of a window.
sdlSetWindowOpacity(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, double opacity) bool
Set the opacity for a window.
sdlSetWindowParent(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlWindow> parent) bool
Set the window as a child of a parent window.
sdlSetWindowPosition(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int x, int y) bool
Request that the window's position be set.
sdlSetWindowResizable(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool resizable) bool
Set the user-resizable state of a window.
sdlSetWindowShape(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlSurface> shape) bool
Set the shape of a transparent window.
sdlSetWindowSize(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int w, int h) bool
Request that the size of a window's client area be set.
sdlSetWindowSurfaceVSync(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int vsync) bool
Toggle VSync for the window surface.
sdlSetWindowTitle(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, String? title) bool
Set the title of a window.
sdlShowWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Show a window.
sdlShowWindowSystemMenu(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int x, int y) bool
Display the system-level window menu.
sdlSyncWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Block until any pending window state is finalized.
sdlUpdateWindowSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Copy the window surface to the screen.
sdlUpdateWindowSurfaceRects(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlRect> rects, int numrects) bool
Copy areas of the window surface to the screen.
sdlWindowHasSurface(Pointer<SdlWindow> window) bool
Return whether the window has a surface associated with it.