sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_sensor library


sdlCloseSensor(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) → void
Close a sensor previously opened with SDL_OpenSensor().
sdlGetSensorData(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor, Pointer<Float> data, int numValues) bool
Get the current state of an opened sensor.
sdlGetSensorFromId(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlSensor>
Return the SDL_Sensor associated with an instance ID.
sdlGetSensorId(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) int
Get the instance ID of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorName(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) String?
Get the implementation dependent name of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorNameForId(int instanceId) String?
Get the implementation dependent name of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorNonPortableType(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) int
Get the platform dependent type of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorNonPortableTypeForId(int instanceId) int
Get the platform dependent type of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorProperties(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) int
Get the properties associated with a sensor.
sdlGetSensors(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected sensors.
sdlGetSensorType(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor) int
Get the type of a sensor.
sdlGetSensorTypeForId(int instanceId) int
Get the type of a sensor.
sdlOpenSensor(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlSensor>
Open a sensor for use.
sdlUpdateSensors() → void
Update the current state of the open sensors.