sdlCaptureMouse(bool enabled)
→ bool
Capture the mouse and to track input outside an SDL window.
sdlCreateColorCursor(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, int hotX, int hotY)
→ Pointer<SdlCursor>
Create a color cursor.
sdlCreateCursor(Pointer<Uint8> data, Pointer<Uint8> mask, int w, int h, int hotX, int hotY)
→ Pointer<SdlCursor>
Create a cursor using the specified bitmap data and mask (in MSB format).
sdlCreateSystemCursor(int id)
→ Pointer<SdlCursor>
Create a system cursor.
→ bool
Return whether the cursor is currently being shown.
sdlDestroyCursor(Pointer<SdlCursor> cursor)
→ void
Free a previously-created cursor.
→ Pointer<SdlCursor>
Get the active cursor.
→ Pointer<SdlCursor>
Get the default cursor.
sdlGetGlobalMouseState(Pointer<Float> x, Pointer<Float> y)
→ int
Query the platform for the asynchronous mouse button state and the
desktop-relative platform-cursor position.
sdlGetMice(Pointer<Int32> count)
→ Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected mice.
→ Pointer<SdlWindow>
Get the window which currently has mouse focus.
sdlGetMouseNameForId(int instanceId)
→ String?
Get the name of a mouse.
sdlGetMouseState(Pointer<Float> x, Pointer<Float> y)
→ int
Query SDL's cache for the synchronous mouse button state and the
window-relative SDL-cursor position.
sdlGetRelativeMouseState(Pointer<Float> x, Pointer<Float> y)
→ int
Query SDL's cache for the synchronous mouse button state and accumulated
mouse delta since last call.
sdlGetWindowRelativeMouseMode(Pointer<SdlWindow> window)
→ bool
Query whether relative mouse mode is enabled for a window.
→ bool
Return whether a mouse is currently connected.
→ bool
Hide the cursor.
sdlSetCursor(Pointer<SdlCursor> cursor)
→ bool
Set the active cursor.
sdlSetWindowRelativeMouseMode(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, bool enabled)
→ bool
Set relative mouse mode for a window.
→ bool
Show the cursor.
sdlWarpMouseGlobal(double x, double y)
→ bool
Move the mouse to the given position in global screen space.
sdlWarpMouseInWindow(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, double x, double y)
→ void
Move the mouse cursor to the given position within the window.