sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_joystick library


sdlAttachVirtualJoystick(Pointer<SdlVirtualJoystickDesc> desc) int
Attach a new virtual joystick.
sdlCloseJoystick(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) → void
Close a joystick previously opened with SDL_OpenJoystick().
sdlDetachVirtualJoystick(int instanceId) bool
Detach a virtual joystick.
sdlGetJoystickAxis(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int axis) int
Get the current state of an axis control on a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickAxisInitialState(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int axis, Pointer<Int16> state) bool
Get the initial state of an axis control on a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickBall(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int ball, Pointer<Int32> dx, Pointer<Int32> dy) bool
Get the ball axis change since the last poll.
sdlGetJoystickButton(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int button) bool
Get the current state of a button on a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickConnectionState(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the connection state of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickFirmwareVersion(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the firmware version of an opened joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickFromId(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlJoystick>
Get the SDL_Joystick associated with an instance ID, if it has been opened.
sdlGetJoystickFromPlayerIndex(int playerIndex) Pointer<SdlJoystick>
Get the SDL_Joystick associated with a player index.
sdlGetJoystickGuid(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) SdlGuid
Get the implementation-dependent GUID for the joystick.
sdlGetJoystickGuidForId(int instanceId) SdlGuid
Get the implementation-dependent GUID of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickGuidInfo(SdlGuid guid, Pointer<Uint16> vendor, Pointer<Uint16> product, Pointer<Uint16> version, Pointer<Uint16> crc16) → void
Get the device information encoded in a SDL_GUID structure.
sdlGetJoystickHat(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int hat) int
Get the current state of a POV hat on a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickId(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the instance ID of an opened joystick.
sdlGetJoystickName(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) String?
Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickNameForId(int instanceId) String?
Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickPath(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) String?
Get the implementation dependent path of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickPathForId(int instanceId) String?
Get the implementation dependent path of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickPlayerIndex(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the player index of an opened joystick.
sdlGetJoystickPlayerIndexForId(int instanceId) int
Get the player index of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickPowerInfo(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, Pointer<Int32> percent) int
Get the battery state of a joystick.
sdlGetJoystickProduct(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the USB product ID of an opened joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickProductForId(int instanceId) int
Get the USB product ID of a joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickProductVersion(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the product version of an opened joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickProductVersionForId(int instanceId) int
Get the product version of a joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickProperties(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the properties associated with a joystick.
sdlGetJoysticks(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected joysticks.
sdlGetJoystickSerial(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) String?
Get the serial number of an opened joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickType(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the type of an opened joystick.
sdlGetJoystickTypeForId(int instanceId) int
Get the type of a joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickVendor(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the USB vendor ID of an opened joystick, if available.
sdlGetJoystickVendorForId(int instanceId) int
Get the USB vendor ID of a joystick, if available.
sdlGetNumJoystickAxes(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the number of general axis controls on a joystick.
sdlGetNumJoystickBalls(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the number of trackballs on a joystick.
sdlGetNumJoystickButtons(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the number of buttons on a joystick.
sdlGetNumJoystickHats(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) int
Get the number of POV hats on a joystick.
sdlHasJoystick() bool
Return whether a joystick is currently connected.
sdlIsJoystickVirtual(int instanceId) bool
Query whether or not a joystick is virtual.
sdlJoystickConnected(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick) bool
Get the status of a specified joystick.
sdlJoystickEventsEnabled() bool
Query the state of joystick event processing.
sdlLockJoysticks(Pointer<NativeType> arg0) → void
Locking for atomic access to the joystick API.
sdlOpenJoystick(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlJoystick>
Open a joystick for use.
sdlRumbleJoystick(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int lowFrequencyRumble, int highFrequencyRumble, int durationMs) bool
Start a rumble effect.
sdlRumbleJoystickTriggers(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int leftRumble, int rightRumble, int durationMs) bool
Start a rumble effect in the joystick's triggers.
sdlSendJoystickEffect(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, Pointer<NativeType> data, int size) bool
Send a joystick specific effect packet.
sdlSendJoystickVirtualSensorData(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int type, int sensorTimestamp, Pointer<Float> data, int numValues) bool
Send a sensor update for an opened virtual joystick.
sdlSetJoystickEventsEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Set the state of joystick event processing.
sdlSetJoystickLed(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int red, int green, int blue) bool
Update a joystick's LED color.
sdlSetJoystickPlayerIndex(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int playerIndex) bool
Set the player index of an opened joystick.
sdlSetJoystickVirtualAxis(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int axis, int value) bool
Set the state of an axis on an opened virtual joystick.
sdlSetJoystickVirtualBall(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int ball, int xrel, int yrel) bool
Generate ball motion on an opened virtual joystick.
sdlSetJoystickVirtualButton(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int button, bool down) bool
Set the state of a button on an opened virtual joystick.
sdlSetJoystickVirtualHat(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int hat, int value) bool
Set the state of a hat on an opened virtual joystick.
sdlSetJoystickVirtualTouchpad(Pointer<SdlJoystick> joystick, int touchpad, int finger, bool down, double x, double y, double pressure) bool
Set touchpad finger state on an opened virtual joystick.
sdlUnlockJoysticks(Pointer<NativeType> arg0) → void
Unlocking for atomic access to the joystick API.
sdlUpdateJoysticks() → void
Update the current state of the open joysticks.