sdlGetHapticEffectStatus function
Get the status of the current effect on the specified haptic device.
Device must support the SDL_HAPTIC_STATUS feature.
\param haptic the SDL_Haptic device to query for the effect status on. \param effect the ID of the haptic effect to query its status. \returns true if it is playing, false if it isn't playing or haptic status isn't supported.
\since This function is available since SDL 3.1.3.
\sa SDL_GetHapticFeatures
extern SDL_DECLSPEC bool SDLCALL SDL_GetHapticEffectStatus(SDL_Haptic *haptic, int effect)
bool sdlGetHapticEffectStatus(Pointer<SdlHaptic> haptic, int effect) {
final sdlGetHapticEffectStatusLookupFunction = libSdl3.lookupFunction<
Uint8 Function(Pointer<SdlHaptic> haptic, Int32 effect),
int Function(
Pointer<SdlHaptic> haptic, int effect)>('SDL_GetHapticEffectStatus');
return sdlGetHapticEffectStatusLookupFunction(haptic, effect) == 1;