sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_gamepad library


sdlAddGamepadMapping(String? mapping) int
Add support for gamepads that SDL is unaware of or change the binding of an existing gamepad.
sdlAddGamepadMappingsFromFile(String? file) int
Load a set of gamepad mappings from a file.
sdlAddGamepadMappingsFromIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio) int
Load a set of gamepad mappings from an SDL_IOStream.
sdlCloseGamepad(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) → void
Close a gamepad previously opened with SDL_OpenGamepad().
sdlGamepadConnected(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) bool
Check if a gamepad has been opened and is currently connected.
sdlGamepadEventsEnabled() bool
Query the state of gamepad event processing.
sdlGamepadHasAxis(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int axis) bool
Query whether a gamepad has a given axis.
sdlGamepadHasButton(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int button) bool
Query whether a gamepad has a given button.
sdlGamepadHasSensor(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int type) bool
Return whether a gamepad has a particular sensor.
sdlGamepadSensorEnabled(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int type) bool
Query whether sensor data reporting is enabled for a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadAppleSfSymbolsNameForAxis(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int axis) String?
Return the sfSymbolsName for a given axis on a gamepad on Apple platforms.
sdlGetGamepadAppleSfSymbolsNameForButton(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int button) String?
Return the sfSymbolsName for a given button on a gamepad on Apple platforms.
sdlGetGamepadAxis(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int axis) int
Get the current state of an axis control on a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadAxisFromString(String? str) int
Convert a string into SDL_GamepadAxis enum.
sdlGetGamepadBindings(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Pointer<SdlGamepadBinding>>
Get the SDL joystick layer bindings for a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadButton(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int button) bool
Get the current state of a button on a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadButtonFromString(String? str) int
Convert a string into an SDL_GamepadButton enum.
sdlGetGamepadButtonLabel(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int button) int
Get the label of a button on a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadButtonLabelForType(int type, int button) int
Get the label of a button on a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadConnectionState(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the connection state of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadFirmwareVersion(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the firmware version of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadFromId(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlGamepad>
Get the SDL_Gamepad associated with a joystick instance ID, if it has been opened.
sdlGetGamepadFromPlayerIndex(int playerIndex) Pointer<SdlGamepad>
Get the SDL_Gamepad associated with a player index.
sdlGetGamepadGuidForId(int instanceId) SdlGuid
Get the implementation-dependent GUID of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadId(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the instance ID of an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadJoystick(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) Pointer<SdlJoystick>
Get the underlying joystick from a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadMapping(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) Pointer<Int8>
Get the current mapping of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadMappingForGuid(SdlGuid guid) Pointer<Int8>
Get the gamepad mapping string for a given GUID.
sdlGetGamepadMappingForId(int instanceId) Pointer<Int8>
Get the mapping of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadMappings(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Pointer<Int8>>
Get the current gamepad mappings.
sdlGetGamepadName(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) String?
Get the implementation-dependent name for an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadNameForId(int instanceId) String?
Get the implementation dependent name of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadPath(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) String?
Get the implementation-dependent path for an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadPathForId(int instanceId) String?
Get the implementation dependent path of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadPlayerIndex(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the player index of an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadPlayerIndexForId(int instanceId) int
Get the player index of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadPowerInfo(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, Pointer<Int32> percent) int
Get the battery state of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadProduct(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the USB product ID of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadProductForId(int instanceId) int
Get the USB product ID of a gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadProductVersion(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the product version of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadProductVersionForId(int instanceId) int
Get the product version of a gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadProperties(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the properties associated with an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepads(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected gamepads.
sdlGetGamepadSensorData(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int type, Pointer<Float> data, int numValues) bool
Get the current state of a gamepad sensor.
sdlGetGamepadSensorDataRate(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int type) double
Get the data rate (number of events per second) of a gamepad sensor.
sdlGetGamepadSerial(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) String?
Get the serial number of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadSteamHandle(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the Steam Input handle of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadStringForAxis(int axis) String?
Convert from an SDL_GamepadAxis enum to a string.
sdlGetGamepadStringForButton(int button) String?
Convert from an SDL_GamepadButton enum to a string.
sdlGetGamepadStringForType(int type) String?
Convert from an SDL_GamepadType enum to a string.
sdlGetGamepadTouchpadFinger(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int touchpad, int finger, Pointer<Uint8> down, Pointer<Float> x, Pointer<Float> y, Pointer<Float> pressure) bool
Get the current state of a finger on a touchpad on a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadType(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the type of an opened gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadTypeForId(int instanceId) int
Get the type of a gamepad.
sdlGetGamepadTypeFromString(String? str) int
Convert a string into SDL_GamepadType enum.
sdlGetGamepadVendor(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the USB vendor ID of an opened gamepad, if available.
sdlGetGamepadVendorForId(int instanceId) int
Get the USB vendor ID of a gamepad, if available.
sdlGetNumGamepadTouchpadFingers(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int touchpad) int
Get the number of supported simultaneous fingers on a touchpad on a game gamepad.
sdlGetNumGamepadTouchpads(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the number of touchpads on a gamepad.
sdlGetRealGamepadType(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) int
Get the type of an opened gamepad, ignoring any mapping override.
sdlGetRealGamepadTypeForId(int instanceId) int
Get the type of a gamepad, ignoring any mapping override.
sdlHasGamepad() bool
Return whether a gamepad is currently connected.
sdlIsGamepad(int instanceId) bool
Check if the given joystick is supported by the gamepad interface.
sdlOpenGamepad(int instanceId) Pointer<SdlGamepad>
Open a gamepad for use.
sdlReloadGamepadMappings() bool
Reinitialize the SDL mapping database to its initial state.
sdlRumbleGamepad(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int lowFrequencyRumble, int highFrequencyRumble, int durationMs) bool
Start a rumble effect on a gamepad.
sdlRumbleGamepadTriggers(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int leftRumble, int rightRumble, int durationMs) bool
Start a rumble effect in the gamepad's triggers.
sdlSendGamepadEffect(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, Pointer<NativeType> data, int size) bool
Send a gamepad specific effect packet.
sdlSetGamepadEventsEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Set the state of gamepad event processing.
sdlSetGamepadLed(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int red, int green, int blue) bool
Update a gamepad's LED color.
sdlSetGamepadMapping(int instanceId, String? mapping) bool
Set the current mapping of a joystick or gamepad.
sdlSetGamepadPlayerIndex(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int playerIndex) bool
Set the player index of an opened gamepad.
sdlSetGamepadSensorEnabled(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad, int type, bool enabled) bool
Set whether data reporting for a gamepad sensor is enabled.
sdlUpdateGamepads() → void
Manually pump gamepad updates if not using the loop.