sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_camera library


sdlAcquireCameraFrame(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera, Pointer<Uint64> timestampNs) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Acquire a frame.
sdlCloseCamera(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera) → void
Use this function to shut down camera processing and close the camera device.
sdlGetCameraDriver(int index) String?
Use this function to get the name of a built in camera driver.
sdlGetCameraFormat(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera, Pointer<SdlCameraSpec> spec) bool
Get the spec that a camera is using when generating images.
sdlGetCameraId(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera) int
Get the instance ID of an opened camera.
sdlGetCameraName(int instanceId) String?
Get the human-readable device name for a camera.
sdlGetCameraPermissionState(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera) int
Query if camera access has been approved by the user.
sdlGetCameraPosition(int instanceId) int
Get the position of the camera in relation to the system.
sdlGetCameraProperties(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera) int
Get the properties associated with an opened camera.
sdlGetCameras(Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Uint32>
Get a list of currently connected camera devices.
sdlGetCameraSupportedFormats(int devid, Pointer<Int32> count) Pointer<Pointer<SdlCameraSpec>>
Get the list of native formats/sizes a camera supports.
sdlGetCurrentCameraDriver() String?
Get the name of the current camera driver.
sdlGetNumCameraDrivers() int
Use this function to get the number of built-in camera drivers.
sdlOpenCamera(int instanceId, Pointer<SdlCameraSpec> spec) Pointer<SdlCamera>
Open a video recording device (a "camera").
sdlReleaseCameraFrame(Pointer<SdlCamera> camera, Pointer<SdlSurface> frame) → void
Release a frame of video acquired from a camera.