ttfGetGpuTextEngineWinding function
Get the winding order of the vertices returned by TTF_GetGPUTextDrawData for a particular GPU text engine
\param engine a TTF_TextEngine object created with TTF_CreateGPUTextEngine(). \returns the winding order used by the GPU text engine or TTF_GPU_TEXTENGINE_WINDING_INVALID in case of error.
\threadsafety This function should be called on the thread that created the engine.
\since This function is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.
\sa TTF_SetGPUTextEngineWinding
extern SDL_DECLSPEC TTF_GPUTextEngineWinding SDLCALL TTF_GetGPUTextEngineWinding(const TTF_TextEngine *engine)
int ttfGetGpuTextEngineWinding(Pointer<TtfTextEngine> engine) {
final ttfGetGpuTextEngineWindingLookupFunction = libSdl3Ttf.lookupFunction<
Int32 Function(Pointer<TtfTextEngine> engine),
int Function(
Pointer<TtfTextEngine> engine)>('TTF_GetGPUTextEngineWinding');
return ttfGetGpuTextEngineWindingLookupFunction(engine);