sdlGetTouchDeviceName function

String? sdlGetTouchDeviceName(
  1. int touchId

Get the touch device name as reported from the driver.

\param touchID the touch device instance ID. \returns touch device name, or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

\since This function is available since SDL 3.1.3.

extern SDL_DECLSPEC const char * SDLCALL SDL_GetTouchDeviceName(SDL_TouchID touchID)


String? sdlGetTouchDeviceName(int touchId) {
  final sdlGetTouchDeviceNameLookupFunction = libSdl3.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<Utf8> Function(Uint64 touchId),
      Pointer<Utf8> Function(int touchId)>('SDL_GetTouchDeviceName');
  final result = sdlGetTouchDeviceNameLookupFunction(touchId);
  if (result == nullptr) {
    return null;
  return result.toDartString();