sdlGetGamepadId function
Get the instance ID of an opened gamepad.
\param gamepad a gamepad identifier previously returned by SDL_OpenGamepad(). \returns the instance ID of the specified gamepad on success or 0 on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.
\since This function is available since SDL 3.1.3.
extern SDL_DECLSPEC SDL_JoystickID SDLCALL SDL_GetGamepadID(SDL_Gamepad *gamepad)
int sdlGetGamepadId(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad) {
final sdlGetGamepadIdLookupFunction = libSdl3.lookupFunction<
Uint32 Function(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad),
int Function(Pointer<SdlGamepad> gamepad)>('SDL_GetGamepadID');
return sdlGetGamepadIdLookupFunction(gamepad);