ttfGetGpuTextDrawData function

Pointer<TtfGpuAtlasDrawSequence> ttfGetGpuTextDrawData(
  1. Pointer<TtfText> text

Get the geometry data needed for drawing the text.

text must have been created using a TTF_TextEngine from TTF_CreateGPUTextEngine().

If the text looks blocky use linear filtering.

\param text the text to draw. \returns a NULL terminated linked list of TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence objects or NULL if the passed text is empty or in case of failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

\threadsafety This function should be called on the thread that created the text.

\since This function is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.

\sa TTF_CreateGPUTextEngine \sa TTF_CreateText \sa TTF_CreateText_Wrapped

extern SDL_DECLSPEC TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence* SDLCALL TTF_GetGPUTextDrawData(TTF_Text *text)


Pointer<TtfGpuAtlasDrawSequence> ttfGetGpuTextDrawData(Pointer<TtfText> text) {
  final ttfGetGpuTextDrawDataLookupFunction = libSdl3Ttf.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<TtfGpuAtlasDrawSequence> Function(Pointer<TtfText> text),
      Pointer<TtfGpuAtlasDrawSequence> Function(
          Pointer<TtfText> text)>('TTF_GetGPUTextDrawData');
  return ttfGetGpuTextDrawDataLookupFunction(text);