sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_stdinc library


sdlAbs(int x) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_abs(int x)
sdlAcos(double x) double
Compute the arc cosine of x.
sdlAcosf(double x) double
Compute the arc cosine of x.
sdlAlignedAlloc(int alignment, int size) Pointer<NativeType>
Allocate memory aligned to a specific alignment.
sdlAlignedFree(Pointer<NativeType> mem) → void
Free memory allocated by SDL_aligned_alloc().
sdlAsin(double x) double
Compute the arc sine of x.
sdlAsinf(double x) double
Compute the arc sine of x.
sdlAsprintf(Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> strp, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg2) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_asprintf(char **strp, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ...) SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNC(2)
sdlAtan(double x) double
Compute the arc tangent of x.
sdlAtan2(double y, double x) double
Compute the arc tangent of y / x, using the signs of x and y to adjust the result's quadrant.
sdlAtan2f(double y, double x) double
Compute the arc tangent of y / x, using the signs of x and y to adjust the result's quadrant.
sdlAtanf(double x) double
Compute the arc tangent of x.
sdlAtof(String? str) double
Parse a double from a string.
sdlAtoi(String? str) int
Parse an int from a string.
sdlBsearch(Pointer<NativeType> key, Pointer<NativeType> base, int nmemb, int size, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCompareCallback>> compare) Pointer<NativeType>
Perform a binary search on a previously sorted array.
sdlBsearchR(Pointer<NativeType> key, Pointer<NativeType> base, int nmemb, int size, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCompareCallbackR>> compare, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) Pointer<NativeType>
Perform a binary search on a previously sorted array, passing a userdata pointer to the compare function.
sdlCeil(double x) double
Compute the ceiling of x.
sdlCeilf(double x) double
Compute the ceiling of x.
sdlCopysign(double x, double y) double
Copy the sign of one floating-point value to another.
sdlCopysignf(double x, double y) double
Copy the sign of one floating-point value to another.
sdlCos(double x) double
Compute the cosine of x.
sdlCosf(double x) double
Compute the cosine of x.
sdlCrc16(int crc, Pointer<NativeType> data, int len) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC Uint16 SDLCALL SDL_crc16(Uint16 crc, const void *data, size_t len)
sdlCrc32(int crc, Pointer<NativeType> data, int len) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC Uint32 SDLCALL SDL_crc32(Uint32 crc, const void *data, size_t len)
sdlCreateEnvironment(bool populated) Pointer<SdlEnvironment>
Create a set of environment variables
sdlDestroyEnvironment(Pointer<SdlEnvironment> env) → void
Destroy a set of environment variables.
sdlExp(double x) double
Compute the exponential of x.
sdlExpf(double x) double
Compute the exponential of x.
sdlFabs(double x) double
Compute the absolute value of x
sdlFabsf(double x) double
Compute the absolute value of x
sdlFloor(double x) double
Compute the floor of x.
sdlFloorf(double x) double
Compute the floor of x.
sdlFmod(double x, double y) double
Return the floating-point remainder of x / y
sdlFmodf(double x, double y) double
Return the floating-point remainder of x / y
sdlFree(Pointer<NativeType> mem) → void
Free allocated memory.
sdlGetenv(String? name) String?
Get the value of a variable in the environment.
sdlGetEnvironment() Pointer<SdlEnvironment>
Get the process environment.
sdlGetEnvironmentVariable(Pointer<SdlEnvironment> env, String? name) String?
Get the value of a variable in the environment.
sdlGetEnvironmentVariables(Pointer<SdlEnvironment> env) Pointer<Pointer<Int8>>
Get all variables in the environment.
sdlGetenvUnsafe(String? name) String?
Get the value of a variable in the environment.
sdlGetMemoryFunctions(Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlMallocFunc>>> mallocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCallocFunc>>> callocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlReallocFunc>>> reallocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlFreeFunc>>> freeFunc) → void
Get the current set of SDL memory functions.
sdlGetNumAllocations() int
Get the number of outstanding (unfreed) allocations.
sdlGetOriginalMemoryFunctions(Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlMallocFunc>>> mallocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCallocFunc>>> callocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlReallocFunc>>> reallocFunc, Pointer<Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlFreeFunc>>> freeFunc) → void
Get the original set of SDL memory functions.
sdlIconv(Pointer<SdlIconvT> cd, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> inbuf, Pointer<Uint32> inbytesleft, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> outbuf, Pointer<Uint32> outbytesleft) int
This function converts text between encodings, reading from and writing to a buffer.
sdlIconvClose(Pointer<SdlIconvT> cd) int
This function frees a context used for character set conversion.
sdlIconvOpen(String? tocode, String? fromcode) Pointer<SdlIconvT>
This function allocates a context for the specified character set conversion.
sdlIconvString(String? tocode, String? fromcode, String? inbuf, int inbytesleft) Pointer<Int8>
Helper function to convert a string's encoding in one call.
sdlIsalnum(int x) int
Query if a character is alphabetic (a letter) or a number.
sdlIsalpha(int x) int
Query if a character is alphabetic (a letter).
sdlIsblank(int x) int
Report if a character is blank (a space or tab).
sdlIscntrl(int x) int
Report if a character is a control character.
sdlIsdigit(int x) int
Report if a character is a numeric digit.
sdlIsgraph(int x) int
Report if a character is any "printable" except space.
sdlIsinf(double x) int
Return whether the value is infinity.
sdlIsinff(double x) int
Return whether the value is infinity.
sdlIslower(int x) int
Report if a character is lower case.
sdlIsnan(double x) int
Return whether the value is NaN.
sdlIsnanf(double x) int
Return whether the value is NaN.
sdlIsprint(int x) int
Report if a character is "printable".
sdlIspunct(int x) int
Report if a character is a punctuation mark.
sdlIsspace(int x) int
Report if a character is whitespace.
sdlIsupper(int x) int
Report if a character is upper case.
sdlIsxdigit(int x) int
Report if a character is a hexadecimal digit.
sdlItoa(int value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_itoa(int value, char *str, int radix)
sdlLltoa(Pointer<NativeType> value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_lltoa(long long value, char *str, int radix)
sdlLog10(double x) double
Compute the base-10 logarithm of x.
sdlLog10f(double x) double
Compute the base-10 logarithm of x.
sdlLogf(double x) double
Compute the natural logarithm of x.
sdlLround(double x) int
Round x to the nearest integer representable as a long
sdlLroundf(double x) int
Round x to the nearest integer representable as a long
sdlLtoa(int value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_ltoa(long value, char *str, int radix)
sdlMalloc(int size) Pointer<NativeType>
Allocate uninitialized memory.
sdlMemcmp(Pointer<NativeType> s1, Pointer<NativeType> s2, int len) int
Take advantage of compiler optimizations for memset
sdlMemcpy(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, Pointer<NativeType> arg1, int len) Pointer<NativeType>
Copy non-overlapping memory.
sdlMemmove(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, Pointer<NativeType> arg1, int len) Pointer<NativeType>
Copy memory.
sdlMemset(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, int c, int len) Pointer<NativeType>
Take advantage of compiler optimizations for memmove
sdlMemset4(Pointer<NativeType> dst, int val, int dwords) Pointer<NativeType>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC void * SDLCALL SDL_memset4(void *dst, Uint32 val, size_t dwords)
sdlModf(double x, Pointer<Double> y) double
Split x into integer and fractional parts
sdlModff(double x, Pointer<Float> y) double
Split x into integer and fractional parts
sdlMurmur332(Pointer<NativeType> data, int len, int seed) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC Uint32 SDLCALL SDL_murmur3_32(const void *data, size_t len, Uint32 seed)
sdlPow(double x, double y) double
Raise x to the power y
sdlPowf(double x, double y) double
Raise x to the power y
sdlQsort(Pointer<NativeType> base, int nmemb, int size, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCompareCallback>> compare) → void
Sort an array.
sdlQsortR(Pointer<NativeType> base, int nmemb, int size, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCompareCallbackR>> compare, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) → void
Sort an array, passing a userdata pointer to the compare function.
sdlRand(int n) int
Generate a pseudo-random number less than n for positive n
sdlRandBits() int
Generate 32 pseudo-random bits.
sdlRandBitsR(Pointer<Uint64> state) int
Generate 32 pseudo-random bits.
sdlRandf() double
Generate a uniform pseudo-random floating point number less than 1.0
sdlRandfR(Pointer<Uint64> state) double
Generate a uniform pseudo-random floating point number less than 1.0
sdlRandR(Pointer<Uint64> state, int n) int
Generate a pseudo-random number less than n for positive n
sdlRound(double x) double
Round x to the nearest integer.
sdlRoundf(double x) double
Round x to the nearest integer.
sdlScalbn(double x, int n) double
Scale x by an integer power of two.
sdlScalbnf(double x, int n) double
Scale x by an integer power of two.
sdlSetEnvironmentVariable(Pointer<SdlEnvironment> env, String? name, String? value, bool overwrite) bool
Set the value of a variable in the environment.
sdlSetenvUnsafe(String? name, String? value, int overwrite) int
Set the value of a variable in the environment.
sdlSetMemoryFunctions(Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlMallocFunc>> mallocFunc, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCallocFunc>> callocFunc, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlReallocFunc>> reallocFunc, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlFreeFunc>> freeFunc) bool
Replace SDL's memory allocation functions with a custom set.
sdlSin(double x) double
Compute the sine of x.
sdlSinf(double x) double
Compute the sine of x.
sdlSnprintf(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, int maxlen, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg3) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_snprintf(SDL_OUT_Z_CAP(maxlen) char *text, size_t maxlen, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ...) SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNC(3)
sdlSqrt(double x) double
Compute the square root of x.
sdlSqrtf(double x) double
Compute the square root of x.
sdlSrand(int seed) → void
Seeds the pseudo-random number generator.
sdlSscanf(String? text, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg2) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_sscanf(const char *text, SDL_SCANF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ...) SDL_SCANF_VARARG_FUNC(2)
sdlStepBackUtf8(String? start, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> pstr) int
Decode a UTF-8 string in reverse, one Unicode codepoint at a time.
sdlStepUtf8(Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> pstr, Pointer<Uint32> pslen) int
Decode a UTF-8 string, one Unicode codepoint at a time.
sdlStrcasecmp(String? str1, String? str2) int
Compare two null-terminated UTF-8 strings, case-insensitively.
sdlStrcasestr(String? haystack, String? needle) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
sdlStrchr(String? str, int c) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strchr(const char *str, int c)
sdlStrcmp(String? str1, String? str2) int
Compare two null-terminated UTF-8 strings.
sdlStrdup(String? str) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC SDL_MALLOC char * SDLCALL SDL_strdup(const char *str)
sdlStrlcat(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, String? src, int maxlen) int
Concatenate strings.
sdlStrlcpy(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, String? src, int maxlen) int
Copy a string.
sdlStrlen(String? str) int
This works exactly like strlen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime.
sdlStrlwr(Pointer<Int8> str) Pointer<Int8>
Convert a string to lowercase.
sdlStrncasecmp(String? str1, String? str2, int maxlen) int
Compare two UTF-8 strings, case-insensitively, up to a number of bytes.
sdlStrncmp(String? str1, String? str2, int maxlen) int
Compare two UTF-8 strings up to a number of bytes.
sdlStrndup(String? str, int maxlen) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC SDL_MALLOC char * SDLCALL SDL_strndup(const char *str, size_t maxlen)
sdlStrnlen(String? str, int maxlen) int
This works exactly like strnlen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime.
sdlStrnstr(String? haystack, String? needle, int maxlen) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strnstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t maxlen)
sdlStrpbrk(String? str, String? breakset) Pointer<Int8>
Searches a string for the first occurence of any character contained in a breakset, and returns a pointer from the string to that character.
sdlStrrchr(String? str, int c) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strrchr(const char *str, int c)
sdlStrrev(Pointer<Int8> str) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strrev(char *str)
sdlStrstr(String? haystack, String? needle) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
sdlStrtod(String? str, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> endp) double
Parse a double from a string.
sdlStrtokR(Pointer<Int8> s1, String? s2, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> saveptr) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_strtok_r(char *s1, const char *s2, char **saveptr)
sdlStrtol(String? str, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> endp, int base) int
Parse a long from a string.
sdlStrtoll(String? str, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> endp, int base) Pointer<NativeType>
Parse a long long from a string.
sdlStrtoul(String? str, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> endp, int base) int
Parse an unsigned long from a string.
sdlStrtoull(String? str, Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> endp, int base) Pointer<NativeType>
Parse an unsigned long long from a string.
sdlStrupr(Pointer<Int8> str) Pointer<Int8>
Convert a string to uppercase.
sdlSwprintf(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, int maxlen, Pointer<Int16> fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg3) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_swprintf(SDL_OUT_Z_CAP(maxlen) wchar_t *text, size_t maxlen, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const wchar_t *fmt, ...) SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNC(3)
sdlTan(double x) double
Compute the tangent of x.
sdlTanf(double x) double
Compute the tangent of x.
sdlTolower(int x) int
Convert low-ASCII English letters to lowercase.
sdlToupper(int x) int
Convert low-ASCII English letters to uppercase.
sdlTrunc(double x) double
Truncate x to an integer.
sdlTruncf(double x) double
Truncate x to an integer.
sdlUcs4ToUtf8(int codepoint, Pointer<Int8> dst) Pointer<Int8>
Convert a single Unicode codepoint to UTF-8.
sdlUitoa(int value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_uitoa(unsigned int value, char *str, int radix)
sdlUlltoa(Pointer<NativeType> value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_ulltoa(unsigned long long value, char *str, int radix)
sdlUltoa(int value, Pointer<Int8> str, int radix) Pointer<Int8>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC char * SDLCALL SDL_ultoa(unsigned long value, char *str, int radix)
sdlUnsetEnvironmentVariable(Pointer<SdlEnvironment> env, String? name) bool
Clear a variable from the environment.
sdlUnsetenvUnsafe(String? name) int
Clear a variable from the environment.
sdlUtf8strlcpy(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, String? src, int dstBytes) int
Copy an UTF-8 string.
sdlUtf8strlen(String? str) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_utf8strlen(const char *str)
sdlUtf8strnlen(String? str, int bytes) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_utf8strnlen(const char *str, size_t bytes)
sdlVasprintf(Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> strp, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg2) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_vasprintf(char **strp, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, va_list ap) SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNCV(2)
sdlVsnprintf(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, int maxlen, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg3) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_vsnprintf(SDL_OUT_Z_CAP(maxlen) char *text, size_t maxlen, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, va_list ap) SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNCV(3)
sdlVsscanf(String? text, String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg2) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_vsscanf(const char *text, SDL_SCANF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, va_list ap) SDL_SCANF_VARARG_FUNCV(2)
sdlVswprintf(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, int maxlen, Pointer<Int16> fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg3) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_vswprintf(SDL_OUT_Z_CAP(maxlen) wchar_t *text, size_t maxlen, SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap) SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNCV(3)
sdlWcscasecmp(Pointer<Int16> str1, Pointer<Int16> str2) int
Compare two null-terminated wide strings, case-insensitively.
sdlWcscmp(Pointer<Int16> str1, Pointer<Int16> str2) int
Compare two null-terminated wide strings.
sdlWcsdup(Pointer<Int16> wstr) Pointer<Int16>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC wchar_t * SDLCALL SDL_wcsdup(const wchar_t *wstr)
sdlWcslcat(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, Pointer<Int16> src, int maxlen) int
Concatenate wide strings.
sdlWcslcpy(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, Pointer<Int16> src, int maxlen) int
Copy a wide string.
sdlWcslen(Pointer<Int16> wstr) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_wcslen(const wchar_t *wstr)
sdlWcsncasecmp(Pointer<Int16> str1, Pointer<Int16> str2, int maxlen) int
Compare two wide strings, case-insensitively, up to a number of wchar_t.
sdlWcsncmp(Pointer<Int16> str1, Pointer<Int16> str2, int maxlen) int
Compare two wide strings up to a number of wchar_t values.
sdlWcsnlen(Pointer<Int16> wstr, int maxlen) int
extern SDL_DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_wcsnlen(const wchar_t *wstr, size_t maxlen)
sdlWcsnstr(Pointer<Int16> haystack, Pointer<Int16> needle, int maxlen) Pointer<Int16>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC wchar_t * SDLCALL SDL_wcsnstr(const wchar_t *haystack, const wchar_t *needle, size_t maxlen)
sdlWcsstr(Pointer<Int16> haystack, Pointer<Int16> needle) Pointer<Int16>
extern SDL_DECLSPEC wchar_t * SDLCALL SDL_wcsstr(const wchar_t *haystack, const wchar_t *needle)
sdlWcstol(Pointer<Int16> str, Pointer<Pointer<Int16>> endp, int base) int
Parse a long from a wide string.