sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_properties library


sdlClearProperty(int props, String? name) bool
Clear a property from a group of properties.
sdlCopyProperties(int src, int dst) bool
Copy a group of properties.
sdlCreateProperties() int
Create a group of properties.
sdlDestroyProperties(int props) → void
Destroy a group of properties.
sdlEnumerateProperties(int props, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlEnumeratePropertiesCallback>> callback, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) bool
Enumerate the properties contained in a group of properties.
sdlGetBooleanProperty(int props, String? name, bool defaultValue) bool
Get a boolean property from a group of properties.
sdlGetFloatProperty(int props, String? name, double defaultValue) double
Get a floating point property from a group of properties.
sdlGetGlobalProperties() int
Get the global SDL properties.
sdlGetNumberProperty(int props, String? name, int defaultValue) int
Get a number property from a group of properties.
sdlGetPointerProperty(int props, String? name, Pointer<NativeType> defaultValue) Pointer<NativeType>
Get a pointer property from a group of properties.
sdlGetPropertyType(int props, String? name) int
Get the type of a property in a group of properties.
sdlGetStringProperty(int props, String? name, String? defaultValue) String?
Get a string property from a group of properties.
sdlHasProperty(int props, String? name) bool
Return whether a property exists in a group of properties.
sdlLockProperties(int props) bool
Lock a group of properties.
sdlSetBooleanProperty(int props, String? name, bool value) bool
Set a boolean property in a group of properties.
sdlSetFloatProperty(int props, String? name, double value) bool
Set a floating point property in a group of properties.
sdlSetNumberProperty(int props, String? name, int value) bool
Set an integer property in a group of properties.
sdlSetPointerProperty(int props, String? name, Pointer<NativeType> value) bool
Set a pointer property in a group of properties.
sdlSetPointerPropertyWithCleanup(int props, String? name, Pointer<NativeType> value, Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlCleanupPropertyCallback>> cleanup, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) bool
Set a pointer property in a group of properties with a cleanup function that is called when the property is deleted.
sdlSetStringProperty(int props, String? name, String? value) bool
Set a string property in a group of properties.
sdlUnlockProperties(int props) → void
Unlock a group of properties.