sdl3/generated/lib_sdl_image library


libSdl3Image DynamicLibrary


imgFreeAnimation(Pointer<ImgAnimation> anim) → void
Dispose of an IMG_Animation and free its resources.
imgIsAvif(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect AVIF image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsBmp(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect BMP image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsCur(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect CUR image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsGif(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect GIF image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsIco(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect ICO image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsJpg(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect JPG image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsJxl(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect JXL image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsLbm(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect LBM image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsPcx(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect PCX image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsPng(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect PNG image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsPnm(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect PNM image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsQoi(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect QOI image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsSvg(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect SVG image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsTif(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect TIFF image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsWebp(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect WEBP image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsXcf(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect XCF image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsXpm(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect XPM image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgIsXv(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) bool
Detect XV image data on a readable/seekable SDL_IOStream.
imgLoad(String? file) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an image from a filesystem path into a software surface.
imgLoadAnimation(String? file) Pointer<ImgAnimation>
Load an animation from a file.
imgLoadAnimationIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio) Pointer<ImgAnimation>
Load an animation from an SDL_IOStream.
imgLoadAnimationTypedIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio, String? type) Pointer<ImgAnimation>
Load an animation from an SDL datasource
imgLoadAvifIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a AVIF image directly.
imgLoadBmpIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a BMP image directly.
imgLoadCurIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a CUR image directly.
imgLoadGifAnimationIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<ImgAnimation>
Load a GIF animation directly.
imgLoadGifIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a GIF image directly.
imgLoadIcoIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a ICO image directly.
imgLoadIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an image from an SDL data source into a software surface.
imgLoadJpgIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a JPG image directly.
imgLoadJxlIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a JXL image directly.
imgLoadLbmIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a LBM image directly.
imgLoadPcxIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a PCX image directly.
imgLoadPngIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a PNG image directly.
imgLoadPnmIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a PNM image directly.
imgLoadQoiIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a QOI image directly.
imgLoadSizedSvgIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, int width, int height) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an SVG image, scaled to a specific size.
imgLoadSvgIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a SVG image directly.
imgLoadTexture(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer, String? file) Pointer<SdlTexture>
Load an image from a filesystem path into a GPU texture.
imgLoadTextureIo(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer, Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio) Pointer<SdlTexture>
Load an image from an SDL data source into a GPU texture.
imgLoadTextureTypedIo(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer, Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio, String? type) Pointer<SdlTexture>
Load an image from an SDL data source into a GPU texture.
imgLoadTgaIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a TGA image directly.
imgLoadTifIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a TIFF image directly.
imgLoadTypedIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src, bool closeio, String? type) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an image from an SDL data source into a software surface.
imgLoadWebpAnimationIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<ImgAnimation>
Load a WEBP animation directly.
imgLoadWebpIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a WEBP image directly.
imgLoadXcfIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a XCF image directly.
imgLoadXpmIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a XPM image directly.
imgLoadXvIo(Pointer<SdlIoStream> src) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load a XV image directly.
imgReadXpmFromArray(Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> xpm) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an XPM image from a memory array.
imgReadXpmFromArrayToRgb888(Pointer<Pointer<Int8>> xpm) Pointer<SdlSurface>
Load an XPM image from a memory array.
imgSaveAvif(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, String? file, int quality) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into a AVIF image file.
imgSaveAvifIo(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, Pointer<SdlIoStream> dst, bool closeio, int quality) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into AVIF image data, via an SDL_IOStream.
imgSaveJpg(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, String? file, int quality) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into a JPEG image file.
imgSaveJpgIo(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, Pointer<SdlIoStream> dst, bool closeio, int quality) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into JPEG image data, via an SDL_IOStream.
imgSavePng(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, String? file) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into a PNG image file.
imgSavePngIo(Pointer<SdlSurface> surface, Pointer<SdlIoStream> dst, bool closeio) bool
Save an SDL_Surface into PNG image data, via an SDL_IOStream.
imgVersion() int
This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_image library.