sdlAcquireGpuCommandBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer>
Acquire a command buffer.
sdlAcquireGpuSwapchainTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>> swapchainTexture, Pointer<Uint32> swapchainTextureWidth, Pointer<Uint32> swapchainTextureHeight)
→ bool
Acquire a texture to use in presentation.
sdlBeginGpuComputePass(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlGpuStorageTextureReadWriteBinding> storageTextureBindings, int numStorageTextureBindings, Pointer<SdlGpuStorageBufferReadWriteBinding> storageBufferBindings, int numStorageBufferBindings)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass>
Begins a compute pass on a command buffer.
sdlBeginGpuCopyPass(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass>
Begins a copy pass on a command buffer.
sdlBeginGpuRenderPass(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlGpuColorTargetInfo> colorTargetInfos, int numColorTargets, Pointer<SdlGpuDepthStencilTargetInfo> depthStencilTargetInfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass>
Begins a render pass on a command buffer.
sdlBindGpuComputePipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, Pointer<SdlGpuComputePipeline> computePipeline)
→ void
Binds a compute pipeline on a command buffer for use in compute dispatch.
sdlBindGpuComputeSamplers(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, int firstSlot, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureSamplerBinding> textureSamplerBindings, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the compute shader.
sdlBindGpuComputeStorageBuffers(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer>> storageBuffers, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage buffers as readonly for use on the compute pipeline.
sdlBindGpuComputeStorageTextures(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>> storageTextures, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage textures as readonly for use on the compute pipeline.
sdlBindGpuFragmentSamplers(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureSamplerBinding> textureSamplerBindings, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the fragment shader.
sdlBindGpuFragmentStorageBuffers(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer>> storageBuffers, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage buffers for use on the fragment shader.
sdlBindGpuFragmentStorageTextures(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>> storageTextures, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage textures for use on the fragment shader.
sdlBindGpuGraphicsPipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlGpuGraphicsPipeline> graphicsPipeline)
→ void
Binds a graphics pipeline on a render pass to be used in rendering.
sdlBindGpuIndexBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferBinding> binding, int indexElementSize)
→ void
Binds an index buffer on a command buffer for use with subsequent draw
sdlBindGpuVertexBuffers(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferBinding> bindings, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds vertex buffers on a command buffer for use with subsequent draw
sdlBindGpuVertexSamplers(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureSamplerBinding> textureSamplerBindings, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the vertex shader.
sdlBindGpuVertexStorageBuffers(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer>> storageBuffers, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage buffers for use on the vertex shader.
sdlBindGpuVertexStorageTextures(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int firstSlot, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>> storageTextures, int numBindings)
→ void
Binds storage textures for use on the vertex shader.
sdlBlitGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlGpuBlitInfo> info)
→ void
Blits from a source texture region to a destination texture region.
sdlCalculateGpuTextureFormatSize(int format, int width, int height, int depthOrLayerCount)
→ int
Calculate the size in bytes of a texture format with dimensions.
sdlCancelGpuCommandBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer)
→ bool
Cancels a command buffer.
sdlClaimWindowForGpuDevice(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window)
→ bool
Claims a window, creating a swapchain structure for it.
sdlCopyGpuBufferToBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferLocation> source, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferLocation> destination, int size, bool cycle)
→ void
Performs a buffer-to-buffer copy.
sdlCopyGpuTextureToTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureLocation> source, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureLocation> destination, int w, int h, int d, bool cycle)
→ void
Performs a texture-to-texture copy.
sdlCreateGpuBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer>
Creates a buffer object to be used in graphics or compute workflows.
sdlCreateGpuComputePipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuComputePipelineCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuComputePipeline>
Creates a pipeline object to be used in a compute workflow.
sdlCreateGpuDevice(int formatFlags, bool debugMode, String? name)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuDevice>
Creates a GPU context.
sdlCreateGpuDeviceWithProperties(int props)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuDevice>
Creates a GPU context.
sdlCreateGpuGraphicsPipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuGraphicsPipeline>
Creates a pipeline object to be used in a graphics workflow.
sdlCreateGpuSampler(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuSamplerCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuSampler>
Creates a sampler object to be used when binding textures in a graphics
sdlCreateGpuShader(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuShaderCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuShader>
Creates a shader to be used when creating a graphics pipeline.
sdlCreateGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>
Creates a texture object to be used in graphics or compute workflows.
sdlCreateGpuTransferBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBufferCreateInfo> createinfo)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBuffer>
Creates a transfer buffer to be used when uploading to or downloading from
graphics resources.
sdlDestroyGpuDevice(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ void
Destroys a GPU context previously returned by SDL_CreateGPUDevice.
sdlDispatchGpuCompute(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, int groupcountX, int groupcountY, int groupcountZ)
→ void
Dispatches compute work.
sdlDispatchGpuComputeIndirect(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass, Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer> buffer, int offset)
→ void
Dispatches compute work with parameters set from a buffer.
sdlDownloadFromGpuBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferRegion> source, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBufferLocation> destination)
→ void
Copies data from a buffer to a transfer buffer on the GPU timeline.
sdlDownloadFromGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureRegion> source, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureTransferInfo> destination)
→ void
Copies data from a texture to a transfer buffer on the GPU timeline.
sdlDrawGpuIndexedPrimitives(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int numIndices, int numInstances, int firstIndex, int vertexOffset, int firstInstance)
→ void
Draws data using bound graphics state with an index buffer and instancing
sdlDrawGpuIndexedPrimitivesIndirect(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer> buffer, int offset, int drawCount)
→ void
Draws data using bound graphics state with an index buffer enabled and with
draw parameters set from a buffer.
sdlDrawGpuPrimitives(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int numVertices, int numInstances, int firstVertex, int firstInstance)
→ void
Draws data using bound graphics state.
sdlDrawGpuPrimitivesIndirect(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer> buffer, int offset, int drawCount)
→ void
Draws data using bound graphics state and with draw parameters set from a
sdlEndGpuComputePass(Pointer<SdlGpuComputePass> computePass)
→ void
Ends the current compute pass.
sdlEndGpuCopyPass(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass)
→ void
Ends the current copy pass.
sdlEndGpuRenderPass(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass)
→ void
Ends the given render pass.
sdlGdkResumeGpu(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ void
Call this to resume GPU operation on Xbox when you receive the
sdlGdkSuspendGpu(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ void
Call this to suspend GPU operation on Xbox when you receive the
sdlGenerateMipmapsForGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlGpuTexture> texture)
→ void
Generates mipmaps for the given texture.
sdlGetGpuDeviceDriver(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ String?
Returns the name of the backend used to create this GPU context.
sdlGetGpuDriver(int index)
→ String?
Get the name of a built in GPU driver.
sdlGetGpuShaderFormats(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ int
Returns the supported shader formats for this GPU context.
sdlGetGpuSwapchainTextureFormat(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window)
→ int
Obtains the texture format of the swapchain for the given window.
→ int
Get the number of GPU drivers compiled into SDL.
sdlGpuSupportsProperties(int props)
→ bool
Checks for GPU runtime support.
sdlGpuSupportsShaderFormats(int formatFlags, String? name)
→ bool
Checks for GPU runtime support.
sdlGpuTextureFormatTexelBlockSize(int format)
→ int
Obtains the texel block size for a texture format.
sdlGpuTextureSupportsFormat(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, int format, int type, int usage)
→ bool
Determines whether a texture format is supported for a given type and
sdlGpuTextureSupportsSampleCount(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, int format, int sampleCount)
→ bool
Determines if a sample count for a texture format is supported.
sdlInsertGpuDebugLabel(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, String? text)
→ void
Inserts an arbitrary string label into the command buffer callstream.
sdlMapGpuTransferBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBuffer> transferBuffer, bool cycle)
→ Pointer<NativeType>
Maps a transfer buffer into application address space.
sdlPopGpuDebugGroup(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer)
→ void
Ends the most-recently pushed debug group.
sdlPushGpuComputeUniformData(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, int slotIndex, Pointer<NativeType> data, int length)
→ void
Pushes data to a uniform slot on the command buffer.
sdlPushGpuDebugGroup(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, String? name)
→ void
Begins a debug group with an arbitary name.
sdlPushGpuFragmentUniformData(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, int slotIndex, Pointer<NativeType> data, int length)
→ void
Pushes data to a fragment uniform slot on the command buffer.
sdlPushGpuVertexUniformData(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, int slotIndex, Pointer<NativeType> data, int length)
→ void
Pushes data to a vertex uniform slot on the command buffer.
sdlQueryGpuFence(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuFence> fence)
→ bool
Checks the status of a fence.
sdlReleaseGpuBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer> buffer)
→ void
Frees the given buffer as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuComputePipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuComputePipeline> computePipeline)
→ void
Frees the given compute pipeline as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuFence(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuFence> fence)
→ void
Releases a fence obtained from SDL_SubmitGPUCommandBufferAndAcquireFence.
sdlReleaseGpuGraphicsPipeline(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuGraphicsPipeline> graphicsPipeline)
→ void
Frees the given graphics pipeline as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuSampler(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuSampler> sampler)
→ void
Frees the given sampler as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuShader(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuShader> shader)
→ void
Frees the given shader as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTexture> texture)
→ void
Frees the given texture as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseGpuTransferBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBuffer> transferBuffer)
→ void
Frees the given transfer buffer as soon as it is safe to do so.
sdlReleaseWindowFromGpuDevice(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window)
→ void
Unclaims a window, destroying its swapchain structure.
sdlSetGpuAllowedFramesInFlight(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, int allowedFramesInFlight)
→ bool
Configures the maximum allowed number of frames in flight.
sdlSetGpuBlendConstants(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, SdlFColor blendAnts)
→ void
Sets the current blend constants on a command buffer.
sdlSetGpuBufferName(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuBuffer> buffer, String? text)
→ void
Sets an arbitrary string constant to label a buffer.
sdlSetGpuScissor(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlRect> scissor)
→ void
Sets the current scissor state on a command buffer.
sdlSetGpuStencilReference(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, int reference)
→ void
Sets the current stencil reference value on a command buffer.
sdlSetGpuSwapchainParameters(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int swapchainComposition, int presentMode)
→ bool
Changes the swapchain parameters for the given claimed window.
sdlSetGpuTextureName(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTexture> texture, String? text)
→ void
Sets an arbitrary string constant to label a texture.
sdlSetGpuViewport(Pointer<SdlGpuRenderPass> renderPass, Pointer<SdlGpuViewport> viewport)
→ void
Sets the current viewport state on a command buffer.
sdlSubmitGpuCommandBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer)
→ bool
Submits a command buffer so its commands can be processed on the GPU.
sdlSubmitGpuCommandBufferAndAcquireFence(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer)
→ Pointer<SdlGpuFence>
Submits a command buffer so its commands can be processed on the GPU, and
acquires a fence associated with the command buffer.
sdlUnmapGpuTransferBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBuffer> transferBuffer)
→ void
Unmaps a previously mapped transfer buffer.
sdlUploadToGpuBuffer(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuTransferBufferLocation> source, Pointer<SdlGpuBufferRegion> destination, bool cycle)
→ void
Uploads data from a transfer buffer to a buffer.
sdlUploadToGpuTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCopyPass> copyPass, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureTransferInfo> source, Pointer<SdlGpuTextureRegion> destination, bool cycle)
→ void
Uploads data from a transfer buffer to a texture.
sdlWaitAndAcquireGpuSwapchainTexture(Pointer<SdlGpuCommandBuffer> commandBuffer, Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuTexture>> swapchainTexture, Pointer<Uint32> swapchainTextureWidth, Pointer<Uint32> swapchainTextureHeight)
→ bool
Blocks the thread until a swapchain texture is available to be acquired,
and then acquires it.
sdlWaitForGpuFences(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, bool waitAll, Pointer<Pointer<SdlGpuFence>> fences, int numFences)
→ bool
Blocks the thread until the given fences are signaled.
sdlWaitForGpuIdle(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device)
→ bool
Blocks the thread until the GPU is completely idle.
sdlWaitForGpuSwapchain(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window)
→ bool
Blocks the thread until a swapchain texture is available to be acquired.
sdlWindowSupportsGpuPresentMode(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int presentMode)
→ bool
Determines whether a presentation mode is supported by the window.
sdlWindowSupportsGpuSwapchainComposition(Pointer<SdlGpuDevice> device, Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int swapchainComposition)
→ bool
Determines whether a swapchain composition is supported by the window.