sdlSetWindowMouseRect function

int sdlSetWindowMouseRect(
  1. Pointer<SdlWindow> window,
  2. Pointer<SdlRect> rect

Confines the cursor to the specified area of a window.

Note that this does NOT grab the cursor, it only defines the area a cursor is restricted to when the window has mouse focus.

\param window The window that will be associated with the barrier. \param rect A rectangle area in window-relative coordinates. If NULL the barrier for the specified window will be destroyed. \returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.18.

\sa SDL_GetWindowMouseRect \sa SDL_SetWindowMouseGrab

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SetWindowMouseRect(SDL_Window * window, const SDL_Rect * rect)


int sdlSetWindowMouseRect(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlRect> rect) {
  final sdlSetWindowMouseRectLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Int32 Function(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlRect> rect),
      int Function(Pointer<SdlWindow> window,
          Pointer<SdlRect> rect)>('SDL_SetWindowMouseRect');
  return sdlSetWindowMouseRectLookupFunction(window, rect);