ttfSetFontKerning function

void ttfSetFontKerning(
  1. Pointer<TtfFont> font,
  2. int allowed

Set if kerning is allowed for a font.

Newly-opened fonts default to allowing kerning. This is generally a good policy unless you have a strong reason to disable it, as it tends to produce better rendering (with kerning disabled, some fonts might render the word kerning as something that looks like keming for example).

\param font the font to set kerning on. \param allowed non-zero to allow kerning, zero to disallow.

\since This function is available since SDL_ttf 2.0.12.

extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL TTF_SetFontKerning(TTF_Font *font, int allowed)


void ttfSetFontKerning(Pointer<TtfFont> font, int allowed) {
  final ttfSetFontKerningLookupFunction = libSdl2Ttf.lookupFunction<
      Void Function(Pointer<TtfFont> font, Int32 allowed),
      void Function(Pointer<TtfFont> font, int allowed)>('TTF_SetFontKerning');
  return ttfSetFontKerningLookupFunction(font, allowed);