sdlGetTicks64 function

int sdlGetTicks64()

Get the number of milliseconds since SDL library initialization.

Note that you should not use the SDL_TICKS_PASSED macro with values returned by this function, as that macro does clever math to compensate for the 32-bit overflow every ~49 days that SDL_GetTicks() suffers from. 64-bit values from this function can be safely compared directly.

For example, if you want to wait 100 ms, you could do this:

const Uint64 timeout = SDL_GetTicks64() + 100;
while (SDL_GetTicks64() < timeout) {
// ... do work until timeout has elapsed

\returns an unsigned 64-bit value representing the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialized.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.18.

extern DECLSPEC Uint64 SDLCALL SDL_GetTicks64(void)


int sdlGetTicks64() {
  final sdlGetTicks64LookupFunction = libSdl2
      .lookupFunction<Uint64 Function(), int Function()>('SDL_GetTicks64');
  return sdlGetTicks64LookupFunction();