sdlConvertSurface function

Pointer<SdlSurface> sdlConvertSurface(
  1. Pointer<SdlSurface> src,
  2. Pointer<SdlPixelFormat> fmt,
  3. int flags

Copy an existing surface to a new surface of the specified format.

This function is used to optimize images for faster repeat blitting. This is accomplished by converting the original and storing the result as a new surface. The new, optimized surface can then be used as the source for future blits, making them faster.

\param src the existing SDL_Surface structure to convert \param fmt the SDL_PixelFormat structure that the new surface is optimized for \param flags the flags are unused and should be set to 0; this is a leftover from SDL 1.2's API \returns the new SDL_Surface structure that is created or NULL if it fails; call SDL_GetError() for more information.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

\sa SDL_AllocFormat \sa SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat \sa SDL_CreateRGBSurface

extern DECLSPEC SDL_Surface *SDLCALL SDL_ConvertSurface (SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_PixelFormat * fmt, Uint32 flags)


Pointer<SdlSurface> sdlConvertSurface(
    Pointer<SdlSurface> src, Pointer<SdlPixelFormat> fmt, int flags) {
  final sdlConvertSurfaceLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<SdlSurface> Function(
          Pointer<SdlSurface> src, Pointer<SdlPixelFormat> fmt, Uint32 flags),
      Pointer<SdlSurface> Function(Pointer<SdlSurface> src,
          Pointer<SdlPixelFormat> fmt, int flags)>('SDL_ConvertSurface');
  return sdlConvertSurfaceLookupFunction(src, fmt, flags);