sdlSetWindowShape function

int sdlSetWindowShape(
  1. Pointer<SdlWindow> window,
  2. Pointer<SdlSurface> shape,
  3. Pointer<SdlWindowShapeMode> shapeMode

Set the shape and parameters of a shaped window.

\param window The shaped window whose parameters should be set. \param shape A surface encoding the desired shape for the window. \param shape_mode The parameters to set for the shaped window. \return 0 on success, SDL_INVALID_SHAPE_ARGUMENT on an invalid shape argument, or SDL_NONSHAPEABLE_WINDOW if the SDL_Window given does not reference a valid shaped window.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

\sa SDL_WindowShapeMode \sa SDL_GetShapedWindowMode

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SetWindowShape(SDL_Window *window,SDL_Surface *shape,SDL_WindowShapeMode *shape_mode)


int sdlSetWindowShape(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlSurface> shape,
    Pointer<SdlWindowShapeMode> shapeMode) {
  final sdlSetWindowShapeLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Int32 Function(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlSurface> shape,
          Pointer<SdlWindowShapeMode> shapeMode),
      int Function(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, Pointer<SdlSurface> shape,
          Pointer<SdlWindowShapeMode> shapeMode)>('SDL_SetWindowShape');
  return sdlSetWindowShapeLookupFunction(window, shape, shapeMode);