sdlSensorGetDataWithTimestamp function

int sdlSensorGetDataWithTimestamp(
  1. Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor,
  2. Pointer<Uint64> timestamp,
  3. Pointer<Float> data,
  4. int numValues,

Get the current state of an opened sensor with the timestamp of the last update.

The number of values and interpretation of the data is sensor dependent.

\param sensor The SDL_Sensor object to query \param timestamp A pointer filled with the timestamp in microseconds of the current sensor reading if available, or 0 if not \param data A pointer filled with the current sensor state \param num_values The number of values to write to data \returns 0 or -1 if an error occurred.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.26.0.

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_SensorGetDataWithTimestamp(SDL_Sensor *sensor, Uint64 *timestamp, float *data, int num_values)


int sdlSensorGetDataWithTimestamp(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor,
    Pointer<Uint64> timestamp, Pointer<Float> data, int numValues) {
  final sdlSensorGetDataWithTimestampLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Int32 Function(Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor, Pointer<Uint64> timestamp,
          Pointer<Float> data, Int32 numValues),
      int Function(
          Pointer<SdlSensor> sensor,
          Pointer<Uint64> timestamp,
          Pointer<Float> data,
          int numValues)>('SDL_SensorGetDataWithTimestamp');
  return sdlSensorGetDataWithTimestampLookupFunction(
      sensor, timestamp, data, numValues);