sdlNetSetError function

void sdlNetSetError(
  1. String? fmt,
  2. Pointer<NativeType> arg1

Set an error message to be retrieved with SDLNet_GetError.

Generally you don't need to call this (SDL_net will use it internally to report errors), but it could be useful if you need to inject an error message of your own in here.

\param fmt a printf-style format string for the error message.

\since This function is available since SDL_net 2.0.0.

extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDLNet_SetError(const char *fmt, ...)


void sdlNetSetError(String? fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg1) {
  final sdlNetSetErrorLookupFunction = libSdl2Net.lookupFunction<
      Void Function(Pointer<Utf8> fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg1),
      void Function(
          Pointer<Utf8> fmt, Pointer<NativeType> arg1)>('SDLNet_SetError');
  final fmtPointer = fmt != null ? fmt.toNativeUtf8() : nullptr;
  final result = sdlNetSetErrorLookupFunction(fmtPointer, arg1);;
  return result;