sdlNetAllocPacketV function

Pointer<Pointer<UDPpacket>> sdlNetAllocPacketV(
  1. int howmany,
  2. int size

Allocate a UDP packet vector (array of packets).

This allocates howmany packets at once, each size bytes long.

You must free the results of this function with SDLNet_FreePacketV, and must not free individual packets from this function with SDLNet_FreePacket.

\param howmany the number of packets to allocate. \param size the maximum bytes of payload each packet should contain. \returns a pointer to the first packet in the array, or NULL if the function ran out of memory.

\since This function is available since SDL_net 2.0.0.

\sa SDLNet_FreePacketV

extern DECLSPEC UDPpacket ** SDLCALL SDLNet_AllocPacketV(int howmany, int size)


Pointer<Pointer<UDPpacket>> sdlNetAllocPacketV(int howmany, int size) {
  final sdlNetAllocPacketVLookupFunction = libSdl2Net.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<Pointer<UDPpacket>> Function(Int32 howmany, Int32 size),
      Pointer<Pointer<UDPpacket>> Function(
          int howmany, int size)>('SDLNet_AllocPacketV');
  return sdlNetAllocPacketVLookupFunction(howmany, size);