mixSetSoundFonts function

int mixSetSoundFonts(
  1. String? paths

Set SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.

You may specify multiple paths in a single string by separating them with semicolons; they will be searched in the order listed.

This function replaces any previously-specified paths.

Passing a NULL path will remove any previously-specified paths.

Note that unlike most SDL and SDL_mixer functions, this function returns zero if there's an error, not on success. We apologize for the API design inconsistency here.

\param paths Paths on the filesystem where SoundFonts are available, separated by semicolons. \returns 1 if successful, 0 on error (out of memory).

\since This function is available since SDL_mixer 2.0.0.

extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL Mix_SetSoundFonts(const char *paths)


int mixSetSoundFonts(String? paths) {
  final mixSetSoundFontsLookupFunction = libSdl2Mixer.lookupFunction<
      Int32 Function(Pointer<Utf8> paths),
      int Function(Pointer<Utf8> paths)>('Mix_SetSoundFonts');
  final pathsPointer = paths != null ? paths.toNativeUtf8() : nullptr;
  final result = mixSetSoundFontsLookupFunction(pathsPointer);
  return result;