sdlRegisterEvents function

int sdlRegisterEvents(
  1. int numevents

Allocate a set of user-defined events, and return the beginning event number for that set of events.

Calling this function with numevents <= 0 is an error and will return (Uint32)-1.

Note, (Uint32)-1 means the maximum unsigned 32-bit integer value (or 0xFFFFFFFF), but is clearer to write.

\param numevents the number of events to be allocated \returns the beginning event number, or (Uint32)-1 if there are not enough user-defined events left.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

\sa SDL_PushEvent

extern DECLSPEC Uint32 SDLCALL SDL_RegisterEvents(int numevents)


int sdlRegisterEvents(int numevents) {
  final sdlRegisterEventsLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Uint32 Function(Int32 numevents),
      int Function(int numevents)>('SDL_RegisterEvents');
  return sdlRegisterEventsLookupFunction(numevents);