sdlGetCurrentAudioDriver function

String? sdlGetCurrentAudioDriver()

Get the name of the current audio driver.

The returned string points to internal static memory and thus never becomes invalid, even if you quit the audio subsystem and initialize a new driver (although such a case would return a different static string from another call to this function, of course). As such, you should not modify or free the returned string.

\returns the name of the current audio driver or NULL if no driver has been initialized.

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

\sa SDL_AudioInit

extern DECLSPEC const char *SDLCALL SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver(void)


String? sdlGetCurrentAudioDriver() {
  final sdlGetCurrentAudioDriverLookupFunction = libSdl2.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<Utf8> Function(),
      Pointer<Utf8> Function()>('SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver');
  final result = sdlGetCurrentAudioDriverLookupFunction();
  if (result == nullptr) {
    return null;
  return result.toDartString();