
This repository provides a collection of +4000 icons used by the Saudi Digital Government Authority (SDGA), based on the HugeIcons icon library. These icons are designed to maintain visual consistency and enhance the user experience.

Each icon in the collection has 7 variants:

  • Bulk
  • DuoTone
  • TwoTone
  • Solid
  • Stroke
  • Sharp Solid
  • Sharp Stroke


Screenshot Bulk Screenshot Duotone Screenshot Twotone Screenshot Solid Screenshot Stroke Screenshot Sharp Solid Screenshot Sharp Stroke


In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

sdga_icons: <latest_version>


SDGAIcon Widget

// import the package
import 'package:sdga_icons/sdga_icons.dart';

// Show the smile icon in it's bulk variant.
  semanticLabel: 'Smile',

You could use any property of the Icon widget to personalize the icon.

Choose the desired icon variant by using one of these classes:

  • SDGAIconsBulk
  • SDGAIconsDuotone
  • SDGAIconsSharpSolid
  • SDGAIconsSharpStroke
  • SDGAIconsSolid
  • SDGAIconsStroke
  • SDGAIconsTwotone

Flutter Icon Widget

You can also use the native flutter Icon() widget passing any SDGAIcons value

Icon(, // Smile Icon

NOTE: Due to some limitations with the flutter Icon widget when you pass any Bulk, Duotone or Twotone icon it will only render part of the icon, because these variants are splitted into 2 icons, for this case prefer to use our custom SDGAIcon widget that works the same as Icon and support these variants

Example App

You can see all the icons and variants within the example app. Just clone the repository and run the example project within the repository Or use the following commands:

cd sdga_icons/example
flutter pub get
flutter run

