autocompleteCardName method

Future<Catalog> autocompleteCardName(
  1. String query, {
  2. bool? includeExtras,

GET /cards/autocomplete

Returns a Catalog object containing up to 20 full English card names that could be autocompletions of the given string parameter.

This method is designed for creating assistive UI elements that allow users to free-type card names.

The names are sorted with the nearest match first, highly favoring results that begin with your given string.

Spaces, punctuation, and capitalization are ignored.

If query is less than 2 characters long, or if no names match, the Catalog will contain 0 items (instead of returning any errors).

query: The query to autocomplete.

includeExtras: If true, extra cards (tokens, planes, vanguards, etc) will be included. Defaults to false.


Future<Catalog> autocompleteCardName(
  String query, {
  bool? includeExtras,
}) async {
  final url = Uri.https(
    <String, String?>{
      'q': query,
      'include_extras': includeExtras?.toString(),
    }..removeWhere((_, value) => value == null),
  final response = await _httpClient.get(url);

  final json = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;

  if (response.statusCode != 200) {
    throw ScryfallException.fromJson(json);

  return Catalog.fromJson(json);