highlight method

Future highlight({
  1. bool cancelExisting = true,
  2. Duration highlightDuration = _highlightDuration,
  3. bool animated = true,

this function can be called multiple times. every call will reset the highlight style.


Future highlight(
    {bool cancelExisting: true,
    Duration highlightDuration: _highlightDuration,
    bool animated: true}) async {
  if (!mounted) return null;

  if (cancelExisting) {

  if (_highlights.containsKey(this)) {
    assert(_controller != null);

  if (_controller == null) {
    _controller = new AnimationController(vsync: this);
    _highlights[this] = _controller;

  final startKey0 = _startKey = DateTime.now();
  const animationShow = 1.0;
  setState(() {});
  if (animated)
    await catchAnimationCancel(_controller!
        .animateTo(animationShow, duration: scrollAnimationDuration));
    _controller!.value = animationShow;
  await Future.delayed(highlightDuration);

  if (startKey0 == _startKey) {
    if (mounted) {
      setState(() {});
      const animationHide = 0.0;
      if (animated)
        await catchAnimationCancel(_controller!
            .animateTo(animationHide, duration: scrollAnimationDuration));
        _controller!.value = animationHide;

    if (startKey0 == _startKey) {
      _controller = null;
  return null;