setConfidential method

Future<Either<ScreenMeetError, bool>> setConfidential(
  1. String id,
  2. double x,
  3. double y,
  4. double width,
  5. double height,

Pass the confidential rect to native SDK. This rect will be cut/hidden when sharing video(stream of your screen) with remote participants


Future<Either<ScreenMeetError, bool>> setConfidential(String id, double x, double y, double width, double height) async {
  var map = <String, dynamic>{
    _pm.kId: id,
    _pm.kX: x,
    _pm.kY: y,
    _pm.kWidth: width,
    _pm.kHeight: height

  final Map result = await _channel.invokeMethod(_pm.kSetConfidential, map);
  if (_pm.isSuccess(result)) { return Right(true);}
  return Left(_pm.error(result));